Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [art] national [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Budgets , on arrival from the White House , were dismantled and considered piecemeal with little attention to overall concerns about the state of economy , the need to balance expenditures against revenue or the national interest .
2 This piece of furniture has become something of a shibboleth : both the Magistrates ' Association and the National Union of Journalists have said that it should be regarded as sacrosanct .
3 The unions involved , the Civil and Public Servants Association and the National Union of Civil and Public Servants , claim that the in-house bids involve jobs losses of up to 50pc as well .
4 The decade ended with Standards for school media programs , published jointly by the American Library Association and the National Education Association in 1969 , embodying what was undoubtedly the most advanced and breathtaking model of the role of the school library media centre that had ever received official imprimatur .
5 Join a countryside walk led by the Ramblers Association and The National Trust .
6 A series of guided walks in England and Wales , organised by the Ramblers ' Association and the National Trust .
7 This was obtained with kind assistance from the Burma Star Association and the National Army Museum .
8 Information was also given by the Friends of Cathedral Music , the Cathedral Organists ' Association , the Choir Schools ' Association and the National Federation of Cathedral Old Choristers ' Associations .
9 Consumers ' Association and the National Consumer Council have worked hard to break the monopolies on air fares in Europe with some sympathy from the Commission .
10 Recent developments indicate more movement towards site-based management as the National Governors ' Association , the National Education Association and the National Association of Secondary School Principals are calling for greater levels of financial devolution to bring about educational improvement .
11 Indeed , organizations such as London Transport , the British Hotel and Restaurants Association and the National Health Service directly recruited workers in the Caribbean , although most black immigration to Britain during this period was not planned and regulated in this manner .
12 [ S. T. Bindoff , The House of Common s , 1509–1558 , 1982 ; M. Dowling , Humanism in the Age of Henry VIII , 1986 ; P. Lake and M. Dowling , Protestantism and the National Church in Sixteenth-Century England , 1987 . ]
13 On June 7 , the government named a committee of experts which would draw up proposals for a draft constitution on the basis of previous constitutions and the report of the National Commission of Democracy , which advocated an executive president and a national assembly , both to be elected on the basis of universal suffrage , an independent judiciary and guarantees of human rights .
14 Prior to a right-wing military coup led by Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte in September 1973 [ see pp. 26151-52 ] , Chile had been a parliamentary democracy with an executive President and a National Congress elected by universal adult suffrage .
15 Under the 1966 Constitution the republic has an executive President and a National Congress consisting of a 99-member Chamber of Deputies and a 30-member Senate , the President and the Congress being directly elected for a five-year term .
16 Under the 1924 Constitution the Republic has an executive President and a National Congress consisting of a 120-member Chamber of Deputies and a 20-member Senate , President and Congress being directly elected for a four-year term .
17 Under the 1924 Constitution the Republic has an executive President and a National Congress consisting of a 120-member Chamber of Deputies and a 22-member Senate ; President and Congress are each directly elected for a four-year term .
18 An executive President and a National Congress , consisting of a 99-member Chamber of Deputies and a 30-member Senate , are elected every five years .
19 The Party 's central committee decided in October 1987 , as part of a process of " democratization " , on amendments to the Constitution to allow for the election by direct , secret , universal suffrage of the President and the National Assembly deputies , up till now elected indirectly .
20 As part of a process of " democratization " the Constitution was amended in 1987 to provide for direct election of the President and the National Assembly deputies , the election to public office of independents and candidates put forward by " organizations with recognized representation " , and the re-creation of the post of Prime Minister .
21 Police fought with students at Yaoundé University on April 2 , as they demanded the end of President Paul Biya 's rule and a national conference to prepare for political reform .
22 Major voluntary organisations like MIND and the National Schizophrenia Fellowship work alongside these groups , both locally and nationally , and have adapted their own structures to represent users more effectively .
23 Someone should have told me about the local MIND and the National Schizophrenia Fellowship and what they could offer .
24 The Communist Party ( PC ) is expected to win 8 per cent of the vote and the National Front ( FN ) 11 per cent .
25 The investigators can also obtain , from school records , some information about each child 's family circumstances and thus will attempt to confirm what both the Child Health and Education Study and the National Child Development Study data suggested , that differences in test performances are strongly associated with differences in social circumstances .
26 A graduate from Gustavus Adolphus College and the National Institute for Trial Advocacy , Mark Warren received his Jurist Doctorate from the Minnesota Law School in 1977 .
27 Birbeck College and the national Portrait Gallery will be holding an All Ramsay study day at the NPG lecture Room on Saturday November 28 , and 10.30 am until 4.30 pm .
28 The legislation provided for the maintenance of ground forces , an air force , air defence , a task force and a national guard .
29 Intellitic has US offices in Cambridge , Massachusetts and customers include the US Air Force and the National Institute of Standards & Technology ; its European user base includes ‘ a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant ’ which runs ‘ one of the largest production object-oriented database applications in the world ’ .
30 Average milk yields are about 4,900kg at 3.9 per cent butterfat and the national population is about 115,000 dairy cows .
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