Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [art] new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A new theoretical formulation or a new analogy can be immensely important in furthering knowledge ; certainly just as much as can finding out a new fact .
2 There may be a gain in the number of children at the school but this could well have happened through factors such as population change or a new housing development that are totally unconnected to the work on raising the school 's visibility and image .
3 It was originally inspired by a French invention , the Groupement d'Intérét Economique , allowing an association of companies wishing to pool resources such as staff or offices to pursue a particular activity without affecting their individual independence , or creating separate limited liability or a new profit centre .
4 Examples of these are : an attractive outer case for a computer monitor , a useful case for computer disks with built-in carrying handle , a desk for a computer or a new shape for a portable computer .
5 Therefore , if someone develops a new form of layout for the components in a computer or a new configuration for printed circuit boards , these are unlikely to be granted patents .
6 East Germans expect it to scrap the security police wing while shifting its intelligence work to the interior ministry or a new agency .
7 We pick out those pieces which match our needs at the time [ My emphasis ] As have most people in the field , this author has participated in this game , using these data for illustration or emphasis in the classroom , as arguments in a paper , or as support in negotiating a budget or a new piece of equipment .
8 If you have already posted a renewal or a new coupon since we prepared this letter thank you .
9 ‘ Look , son , if it 's not about sex , how to convert your loft into a spare bedroom or a new diet guaranteed to lose ten pounds in two weeks , then this new magazine of yours wo n't sell .
10 If you want to have children you 've got ta offset that against , for example , having a car or a new stereo , things which affect your lifestyle .
11 I would find the same difficulty in putting down words for a dragonfly above a summer pond or a new spider 's web hung with dew on a spring hedgerow .
12 I can not promise to make you into a world authority on ingredients , but I do hope to share my passion for good food with you , and to inspire you to try a different type of tea or a new way of serving pasta .
13 Whatever the situation in which you find yourself living alone ; whether your husband or wife has left you or the children have left home ; whether your husband or wife or elderly parent has died or your flatmate has left ; whether you are starting college or a new job or have just decided to leave the family home , you must accept and make the very best of your new life .
14 As I happened to discover casually ( not a great discovery ) , the same pamphlet was given a new frontispiece and a new tit ] e in 1747 .
15 Everyone knew Gary Lineker was saying farewell to international football and a new dawn was beckoning .
16 He 's chosen Royal Sovereign , Tenira ( his own favourite ) , Elsanta , Cambridge Favourite , Honeoye , Korona , Bounty and a new variety , Pegasus .
17 The relaxation of one-party rule and the new climate of liberalization increased , resulting in the formation in December of an independent human rights monitoring group and the gradual release of political prisoners .
18 Alternatively , a replacement nylon seat can be fitted which is placed firmly on the old seat and a new washer and jumper fitted
19 A cover was installed over the second seat and a new canopy and windscreen were built .
21 Curiously , in the United States there was an optimism and a new sense of confidence after Ronald Reagan became president ( a confidence later deflated by the Iranian arms fiasco ) .
22 During this time many aspects of town planning received a considerable boost , particularly in local authority house building , the development of regional strategies , new policies for the disadvantaged regions , transportation and a new attempt to control the land market .
23 Each evening she and Constance would go over the day at Maison de Levantiere , talking about the customers , fitting-room gossip and the new fabric deliveries .
24 The course provides opportunity for : ( i ) graduates from African , Asian , and Pacific backgrounds to undertake advanced study of Christianity directly related to their own setting ; ( ii ) persons who have worked , or who expect to work , in cross-cultural situations to examine the religious context in which they operate , or to reflect constructively on their experience ; ( iii ) prospective candidates for research involving cross-cultural or inter-religious study who do not have specialised training in these fields , to bridge the gap between previous academic study and the new material .
25 But Jewish legends which found their way into the Alexander romance fondly narrated the encounter between the High Priest and the new King of Kings .
26 From the bathroom I took a battery-operated razor , the toothpaste and a new toothbrush from my emergency supply still in their Sainsbury wrappers .
27 You have just seen three adverts for coffee , a new car and a new kitchen gadget .
28 And it meant a respray on her car and a new door for Lizzie 's car , sit down .
29 A New Enemy and a New Relationship , 1946 – 50
30 It was a dynamic age , an age of opportunity , and the pattern of population migration , income distribution , and increased leisure and freedom that allowed movie audiences to accumulate had also permitted a largely anonymous host of small businessmen to create a new industry and a new entertainment .
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