Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [adv] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But sometimes it is a case of a more specific influence ; a concept , technique or even piece of equipment which acts as an exemplar , parallel or metaphor in another field .
2 Example 2:18 Covenant to yield up tenant 's fixtures at the expiry or sooner determination of the tenancy to yield up the demised property including all tenant 's fixtures in good repair and clean and tidy Example 2:19 Covenant to remove tenant 's fixtures if required if so required by the landlord by written notice given not later than three months before the term date to remove ( or pay for the removal of ) all fixtures affixed to the demised property by the tenant or such of them as may be specified in the notice Example 2:20 Covenant by tenant to inquire about removal of fixtures not later than six months before the expiry of the term to inquire in writing of the landlord which ( if any ) tenant 's fixtures the landlord requires the tenant to remove on the termination of the term
3 It would have been otherwise if he had covenanted to paint in the quarter " preceding the expiry or sooner determination of the said term " .
4 Recommendation ( ix ) calls upon local offices and the Department of Social Security to give higher priority to those entering residential care to make sure that their claims for income support are processed in good time so that people do not have weeks of worry or possibly weeks in a home without paying .
5 Thus , to give one case example in ten thousand that spring to mind , no psychiatrist in his right mind would pay credence or even attention to the findings , as uncovered by Hans Eysenck some years ago , that patients undergoing psychoanalysis have an improvement rate of 44 per cent , those subject to the effects of other psychotherapy recover at the rate of 64 per cent , and those to whom nothing whatever is done , who receive no treatment at all , are cured at a rate of 72 per cent .
6 The desirable goals of accurate reading of handwriting or indeed recognition of spoken words have almost been achieved .
7 Are they distinct forms of the verb or simply variants of a single verb form — the infinitive ?
8 What is rejected is the necessity or even possibility of maintaining or augmenting one 's social position through violence .
9 Several NATO representatives suggested that " NATO could lend material support or even troops to the CSCE if needed and if agreed by our member countries " , in the words of the Dutch Foreign Minister , Hans van den Broek .
10 Where selective logging is at a low density ( 10 stems per ha ) in Pahang , West Malaysia , infant mortality in all primates is greatly increased , perhaps because of injuries due to the female adults having to make greater leaps from crown to crown across gaps or abandonment in the face of human presence or possibly reduction in available food .
11 The future or rather fate of Gloucester rugby club could be decided at Bristol tomorrow … there are two league games to go and the cherry and whites need to win one of them to escape relegation
12 Conventional wisdom dictates that the experiences at school , in the transition to work , at work itself and in society generally , tend to imbue the black youth with a jaundiced view of the world ; recoiling from the ‘ pressures ’ , he retreats to a street-corner gang existence , detaching himself from society and cultivating a posture of indifference or even hostility towards the rest of society .
13 Equally the message conveyed by silence was increasingly one of indifference or even hostility in a world dominated by protest and the call to apostolic action .
14 He told her that he was going to continue writing to her , nothing deterred by her cold reply or rather lack of a reply .
15 Since anger is the only respected currency , it becomes extraordinarily difficult for genuine feelings of distress or even sorrow to be expressed by prisoners .
16 Apart from that , I only crack chemmy gear or else things like dikes and Tuinal .
17 The threat of disciplinary action or even dismissal from the Library Association is empty when one can practise as a librarian without membership of the professional association .
18 THIS month 's planning committee meeting was briefly adjourned so that members could hear the comments of Candleford Gate Residents ' Association and also members of the public .
19 Code switches or style shifts often ( though not always ) mark changes of persona and hence changes of footing within the conversation .
20 An increasingly popular alternative for visitors to continental Europe are Eurocheques and Eurocards , but they can be expensive , with typical charges around £8 a year for the card and around £2 for each cheque cashed .
21 He has moved house to Sedgefield , close by the National Hunt racecourse and so Utopia to ‘ Ned , ’ and he remarked of the Durham atmosphere : ‘ It is just like starting my career all over again , everyone is so keen . ’
22 Thus it is clear that ( a ) affirms the footballer ; ( b ) also affirms the footballer because the speaker has made it clear that it is a personal reaction of liking or disliking which has nothing to do with appreciation of football 's being a good game ; ( c ) is affirming also because although criticism of the game is stated , its positive value comes first , and in any case the keen footballer is likely to be the first to agree that the level of enjoyment varies according to different games of football ; ( d ) however veers towards dismissal of football and therefore dismissal of what is meaningful to the footballer , because although it acknowledges that sometimes it is a good game the emphasis is on the negative side ; ( e ) is not affirming because even though the hurt to the footballer is cushioned by making it clear that this is a personal opinion , a very negative judgement is in fact articulated ; ( f ) has the straight effect of dismissing the footballer as well as football because it implies that anyone who spends time on football is stupid .
23 At the constituent session of the Chamber of Deputies , Stipe Mesic was elected its President and thus President of the Croatian Assembly , since no law governing elections to the second chamber , the Chamber of Districts , had yet been passed .
24 During the Open Forum Gordon Graham , a former PA president and now editor of Logos , expressed concern that because of the United Nations sanctions against Serbia , British books were not reaching that country .
25 Dr William F Fore , former WACC President and currently Lecturer at Yale Divinity School , and Dennis Benson , Associate Professor of Communication with the USA 's United Theological Seminary , are also scheduled to lead presentations on aspects of the theme .
26 He admitted that some people in Hong Kong had been alarmed by reports of carnage in Peking but said this was only because they ‘ misunderstood ’ or had been misled by the ‘ false reporting and even rumour of some news media ’ .
27 It was a lengthy and difficult task , marked by the indifference and even antagonism of the movement in whose name he nominally acted , but his speaking , organizing , and writing skills ( which included the production of fifteen pamphlets and a co-authored book ) and tireless travelling until victory was achieved in 1908 , made him the ‘ ideal secretary ’ described by F. H. Stead , the warden of the Browning Hall settlement and his collaborator in the pension struggle .
28 Legislation is interpreted by the judiciary and perhaps lawyers at least should now also turn their attention to the form and style of judgments .
29 One is that the background cleavage is greatly reduced by the separation of unbound DNA from the DNA-protein complex pool prior to treatment The second is the so called ‘ caging effect ’ occurring in the gel ( 4 ) which , by increasing the effective concentration of the interacting components , slows their electrophoretic escape after dissociation leading to oriented diffusional search and thus enhancement of the concentration-dependent reassociation reaction .
30 A&R departments habitually shadow each other according to John Giacobbi , former BMG lawyer and now head of Entertainment Law Associates .
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