Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [verb] for an " in BNC.

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1 A problem shared is usually a problem halved , whether it is learning how to cope with rheumatism , wanting to lose some weight or caring for an elderly relative .
2 ( d ) Agent 's fees Immediately contracts are exchanged on behalf of a seller , telephone the estate agent and ask for an account .
3 Every day he went out with his scribe in his boat and stayed for an hour in each of the twelve provinces of hid kingdom , ensuring that all was well .
4 Marvin is a Liverpool fan but played for an Everton junior side last season and has still not made his mind up for whom to sign .
5 In other words the traditional concept of the sign as a vehicle or substitute for an idea or a thing can fairly easily be transposed tot he structure of the sign itself , with the signifier being regarded as a substitute for the signified .
6 This is a good place to rest for lunch or to visit for an evening out , for there is often live music in the restaurants and bars — folk , fado and jazz are all provided for .
7 ( 6 ) Where an award has been given in the absence of a party , the arbitrator shall have power on that party 's application to set the award aside and to order a fresh hearing as if the award were a judgment and the application were made pursuant to Ord 37 , r 2. ( 7 ) With the consent of the parties and at any time before giving his decision and either before or after the hearing , the arbitrator may consult any expert or call for an expert report on any matter in dispute or invite an expert to attend the hearing as assessor .
8 If you 've had to put a plan on ice or wait for an opportune moment to announce a life-expanding decision then you need wait no longer .
9 The governors , a charity , have incurred substantial costs in fighting this case and ask for an order that their costs both in the Court of Appeal and in this House be paid out of the Legal Aid Fund .
10 Happy Mondays , The Stone Roses , Flowered Up , Primal Scream and The Paris Angels have no real feel for club music ; they 've brought in the ‘ wrong ’ element , and so the purists and the elitists are changing direction and looking for an alternative .
11 Because of their ill-fitting saddles and the fact that the Austrians did not follow the practice of the British cavalry of riding for an hour and walking for an hour to rest their horses , most of the animals developed sore backs .
12 TGWU national secretary Jack Dromey warned the unions would resist any attempt to close the base and call for an independent inquiry .
13 He and his staff reject the option of off-site provision and argue for an individually tailored solution involving guidance ( pastoral ) and curricular staff : They see the assessment panel as providing an alternative , non-punitive role , for guidance teachers .
14 PAMELA : [ alone ] After what has passed I must leave this house and go to the next town and wait for an opportunity to get home to my parents .
15 On obtaining a prospectus and asking for an application form , you will find that every drama school will require an audition fee , and this can vary between £15 and £25 .
16 Mr Khasbulatov accused the president of attempting a coup and called for an emergency session of the Congress to dismiss him .
17 In 1892 , the party majority led by Pilsudski opted for opposition to capitalism and support for an independent Poland .
18 Square Face : Wear a headpiece that sits on the back of your head and opt for an understated veil style , although your face shape will carry a long veil beautifully .
19 Before the seventy-two hours are up , they can go back to the court and apply for an extension of the warrant of further detention by up to another thirty-six hours .
20 Lapis lazuli was valued for its deep cerulean blue , turquoise for its mid-blue , carnelian for blood red and felspar for an opaque green .
21 He would just have to play along for a while and wait for an opportunity .
22 In Cairo 14 Arab League countries condemn the invasion and call for an immediate withdrawal .
23 If an antidepressant is indicated , it should be used in a full therapeutic dose and continued for an appropriate period of time .
24 The Halifax said prices dropped 1.2pc last month and called for an immediate 2pc interest rate cut and ‘ specific ’ Government measures to stimulate the housing market .
25 I contacted the North Devon District Health Authority and asked for an extra-contractual referral to be made for this operation .
26 The financial strain on the firm can be eased by : ( 1 ) effecting sufficient insurance cover ( see Chapter 5 ) ; ( 2 ) the inclusion of suitable provisions ( Clause 20 ) in the partnership deed clearly setting out the procedures to be adopted for the continuing partners to have the option to purchase the deceased 's share from his estate on an appropriate time scale or providing for an automatic accruer to the surviving partners ; ( 3 ) the inclusion of provisions in the deceased 's will enlarging the discretion of the personal representatives as to the time for realisation of assets in the estate and generally as to arrangements which may be concluded with the continuing partners ; and ( 4 ) where ( which is not unusual ) one of the personal representatives is a continuing partner , the inclusion in the will of specific authority for that partner in his capacity as personal representative and trustee to conclude agreements with the firm .
27 You can write to the Establishment Officer of the department of your choice and ask for an interview in expectation of the next vacancy .
28 Let us now consider the requirements of a multiprogramming system , where we have a number of programs occupying main storage and competing for an allocation of time on the processor .
29 Somehow , the vision of Morrissey , Marr , Joyce and Rourke driving Porsches down the Seven Sisters Road and heading for an evening 's ligging at The Camden Palace , still seems like an impossible nightmare .
30 This reflected the Soviet fear that even as CENTO collapsed the United States was preparing the construction of new alliance structures in the Third World and working for an extension of the geographic responsibilities of NATO .
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