Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 We waited on the top-floor landing for a minute or two , but there seemed no coming or going from the other flats .
2 The success of British exporters , which apparently does not get one word of congratulation or praise from the Labour party , gives the lie to what the hon. Gentleman has just said .
3 Denied any recognition or support from the outside , beleaguered by the blockade , and reportedly unable to exert control over an internal situation rapidly degenerating into anarchy , the BRA leadership remained open to the prospects of a settlement with the PNG government .
4 The Branch Clubs have continued to receive the support of the Committee of Registered Clubs Association and to benefit from the work of the All Party Parliamentary Committee for Non-Profit Making Members Clubs .
5 At the Nez Perce camp on Weippe prairie , and later in the Clearwater valley , the expedition met only kindness and help from the Nez Perce .
6 It has been suggested that this linear design process should be replaced by a cyclical process , whereby at each stage of development of the system there would be opportunity for feedback and influence from the users and their representatives .
7 Other noises do infiltrate the cabin — the wind , the odd bump and thump from the suspension , and the constant rattle and clunk from the cabin fittings .
8 When he did n't answer , she rose from her seat and walked from the room , giving the door a satisfying slam as she closed it .
9 She felt like jumping from her seat and running from the room .
10 If there 's anything embedded in it like gravel or something and it does n't come away easily you must n't , it comes under the categories of what you call foreign bodies , which first aider is not at liberty to poke about , you must leave foreign bodies that do n't come away easily where they are and bandage them round and send them off to hospital or a doctor , but assuming it 's just a little clean graze , if I have n't got a tap to put it under , then I must use little bits of gauze to wash , put in a bowl of water and just wipe , yeah , and you always wipe obviously from the centre of a wound towards the outside , otherwise if you start to wipe across the whole thing you take dirt from one side of the wound across and drop it off in the middle somewhere , so you wipe from the centre out and throw that piece away and you take another piece and wipe from the centre out and so on until you feel happy , quite happy .
11 The present kitchen was the cowbyre and the room on the first floor , now a bedroom , was the loft and approached from the gallery .
12 This flows from the assumptions made by the model of perfect competition that the individual entrepreneur maximizes his profits , that there is a price taker and that there is freedom of entry and exit from the industry in which he is producing goods .
13 The archway itself is in fine condition and dates from the third century B.C. It forms part of the Etruscan walls to the city and is the best extant example of Etruscan masonry .
14 The cavity contains a two-level medium of length L , and the total optical path is The boundary conditions at the entrance and exit from the medium are , respectively : and The latter relation simply implies a unique relationship between the transmitted field amplitude ET and the internal field .
15 The chains took up the slack and emerged from the river , long dripping lines of rusty tension , bound to the circular ship with its two little funnels .
16 She picked up her skirt and fled from the hospital before letting herself think what James 's absence meant .
17 Unfortunately , little is known of the south wing , but it has a very similar appearance to that of the north side and suffers from the disadvantage of facing north , which precludes any possibility of the best accommodation being situated there .
18 Aid and credits from the World Bank and Japan constituted over half of the total package .
19 Sigua said that he was hoping for economic aid and credits from the USA and Iran and for bilateral trade agreements with Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) countries to relieve the situation .
20 But the best he could do was it down behind a large rock and escape from the grasp of the wind , though the rain still got to him and he started to shiver violently .
21 He placed his unfinished cigar in the ash tray and rose from the table , leaving his brandy untouched .
22 In the end , however , the Ukrainian decision to vote for full independence left him with little alternative but to withdraw from the USSR and in effect bring about its demise ( see pp. 179–85 ) .
23 But he was just in passing sentence so that he would not accept money nor shrink from the right way ; and these sentences he gave after careful deliberation with much maturity of judgment .
24 There is a tension in the air , each person lying awake yet pretending to sleep , aware of every sigh or murmur from the other 's lips .
25 If that means sterling has to have a long leave of absence , judicial separation or divorce from the ERM , so be it .
26 Cold and shaken from the journey , thick with sediment and drunk from a plastic beaker , it tasted like medicine .
27 Firstly , it is important to look at the stages of budgeting and move from the functional processes of acquisition , allocation , spending and control to the more strategic resource activities of planning , choice and evaluation .
28 Leathart had interests in lead mining and came from the well-known mining town of Alston , in the Northern Pennines .
29 At the same time we are faced with the dilemma that these theories appear to be mutually exclusive : does this mean that the peace movement should take a cynical ‘ supermarket ’ attitude to attempts to theorise law and take from the shelves whatever theoretical package is best suited to the purpose ?
30 The transactional test in ( 1 ) above is the SIB test and derives from the SIB 's core rules , on which the COB Rules are based ; it is included in the COB Rules as a result of the definition of market counterparty .
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