Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [verb] out a " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , the exporter could insist on payment or make out a bill of exchange in DMs and thus transfer the foreign exchange risk to the importer .
2 Is it worth insuring your computer or taking out a separate contract with a third-party maintenance company ?
3 Of course , we may forget old lessons and we certainly need to keep in practice to maintain our performance levels in certain types of skill ( especially psycho-motor skills — like playing a musical instrument or carrying out a laboratory procedure ) .
4 The Commission provides guidance on certain of the services or costs they wish reviewed ; for example , in introducing a higher proportion of civilians into the police force or boarding out a higher proportion of children in care .
5 Old Charlie must have had a bit of a penchant for potholing judging by the amount of time he spent in every rock crevice north of Carlisle , but I prefer to suspend my scepticism and believe that the great man did indeed peel off his powdered wig and roll out a sleeping-bag in all the places that maps and local handouts would have us believe .
6 ‘ Now I want you to call a courier and sort out a couple of juicy documents to somebody not too far away , but it does n't matter who .
7 Instantly he slackened speed and punched out a sizeable hole in the shattered glass with his clenched fist .
8 Corbett dug into his purse and brought out a few coins .
9 Mandeville fished in his purse and brought out a silver coin , rolling it in his fingers .
10 Catherine opened her purse and took out a coin .
11 Athelstan dug in his purse and took out a silver coin .
12 Athelstan dipped into his purse and drew out a coin .
13 Pearce returned a hard stare , pushed himself from his seat and held out a hand to Rohmer .
14 Cranston delved into a small leather pouch he had taken from his saddle-bag , undid the cord at the neck and drew out a small vase containing the poison he had taken from Springall 's house .
15 Then he put his fingers in his mouth and let out a shrill whistle .
16 She nodded as Madge offered more tea and reached out a podgy hand for another piece of shortbread but the injustice still rankled .
17 Instead , she began to cry , reached for her handbag and took out a handkerchief , sniffed into it , looked at me sweetly , then embraced me .
18 She rummaged in a Gucci handbag and took out a small bottle of aspirins .
19 This Bishop found the palace and other buildings neglected and in a ruinous condition and carried out a great deal of repair work to the palace and also added to the building ( to quote ) , " in a most commodious manner " .
20 The train puffed to a stop ; only five passengers alighted , and the only male among them a tall young man , his hair so fair that from a distance it appeared almost white , waved to them before turning back to the carriage and lifting out a case .
21 Meh'Lindi reached into the trunk and lifted out a small tentacle , which squirmed as it left the stasis-field .
22 Another day he was sent from Washington to a Chinese vegetable stand on the Lower West Side in Manhattan , where he was told to ask for a person with the code name ‘ Mooey ’ ; Mooey went behind the counter , rolled up his trouser-leg and pulled out a wad of hundred-dollar bills , which Owen thought ‘ I had better count anyways . ’
23 He reached into the side-pocket of his tracksuit and pulled out a flat black box .
24 He crossed to his locker and took out a comb , running it through his short black hair .
25 Meadowbrook upended the whole fiery mess into his lap and let out a scream of such inhuman power that the restaurant cat ( a sleepy , sloth-flattened Persian ) kamikazeed through a glass screen into the startled shards of the lobby .
26 He snatched the chart off my lap and worked out a crude course for the remote island .
27 Fired by his own enthusiasm , he stops his sledge and gets out a huge snow drill , like a brace and bit but capable of boring a twenty centimetre hole .
28 He watched Harry for a while and then , cautiously , opened the mini bar and took out a block of chocolate .
29 The trouble is that it I know , I say I 'm going on about have n't got a copper and everything , then they walk up to the bar and pull out a great wad of notes
30 In it they state their belief in motivation through the design of work and set out a model for good job design which is reproduced in Figure 3.1 .
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