Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun prp] do [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 To his disappointment Sheila did n't praise him .
2 In practice Husayn did not accept its implications .
3 It was quite crowded but in her pleasure Rachaela did not mind .
4 But his girlfriend Kathy does n't mind the new additions .
5 Our driver looks like Leland Palmer , but the Inspirals are n't worried as long as Killer Bob does n't appear .
6 Before mid-summer Baldwin did not believe that the Government could last beyond the autumn , but he was still hoping that he could get his Aix holiday .
7 2.10:ONE of the surprises of last season was that former runaway Cesarewitch winner TRAINGLOT did not make an immediate impression at the winter game .
8 ‘ Nothing , ’ Corbett sighed ‘ I just thank God Mistress Agatha did not know you were asleep .
9 This was the question Richard did not want to answer .
10 ‘ It does you credit , and it 's a pity Dana does n't feel the same way about you . ’
11 That winter Maggie did not nourish .
12 Although South Korea did not make an official response to the preconditions — all of which it had rejected in the past — it did agreed to suspend its pursuit of membership of the UN until the two Korean states had discussed the issue further .
13 His Honour Judge Morrell did not rule on the bank 's main contention , which was that since a guarantee card guarantees cheques and a forged cheque is not in fact a cheque , the card is of no significance at all in a transaction if the signature on the cheque is forged , though this is obviously an alternative approach .
14 The mixture of an SD1 engine , Range Rover flywheel and exhaust in a Range Rover does not give you the power that you might expect , so be careful when mixing engine components such as flywheels , camshafts , distributor and carbs from different engine applications .
15 Yet at other points the problem is rather the hijacking of the original message , as in the phenomenal lines : ‘ If the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today/ He 'd be gunned down cold by the CIA/ Oh the lights that now burn brightest behind stained glass/ Will cast the darkest shadows upon the human heart/ But God did n't build himself that throne/ God does n't live in Israel or Rome/ God does n't belong to the ‘ yankee dollar ’ / God does n't plant the bombs for Hezbollah ’ .
16 In the first half Beeney did nt have anythingto do really , apart from one excellent save after Soton had suprisingly been onside .
17 Sun France did not choose the survey subjects , he added .
18 Even in the realm of symbolism Charles did not provide the only precedent : Otto 's father , Henry I , had apparently bought the famous Holy Lance for the cost of a substantial part of what is now Switzerland ; and the Holy Lance was viewed as a talisman which would help a king to victory and as a token to be possessed by any candidate to the empire .
19 The evidence that the continents have drifted , that South America did indeed break away from Africa for instance , is now literally overwhelming , but this is not a book about geology and I shall not spell it out .
20 In contract Mr does not count hours , but arrives at an overall figure of seven thousand five hundred pounds .
21 At the moment Leyland does not see huge off-the-shelf sales for the transmission .
22 Alexander 's teacher Aristotle did not share this liking for priests , but his scientific curiosity which was truly universal extended to the wisdom of the East .
23 Whether Socrates himself was ever helped towards a clearer understanding of matters by this process Plato does not tell us , but I must say I have always found that a tutorial strongly stimulated my own thinking .
24 As she stood there , heart racing , just for a moment Lisa did not trust herself to answer him .
25 ‘ What must we do to travel with you ? ’ asked Taliesin , and for a moment Fael-Inis did not reply .
26 The story of how Cnut 's brother Harald became king of Denmark after Swegen 's death and refused either to divide it or to help Cnut reconquer England does not square with Thietmar of Merseburg 's statement that he was in England in 1016 : were there aspects of Cnut 's relationship with Harald upon which the Encomiast , if he knew of them , did not wish to dwell ?
27 Report from Lothian and Borders Police stating that the volume of traffic on Baberton Mains Drive at its junction with Baberton Mains Wynd did not justify the provision of a School Crossing Patrol .
28 That evening Leon did n't follow me into the morning room to sit in the armchair opposite mine , slipped deep into it , his elbows on the arms , fingers linked in front of his face .
29 Someone made a joke Anne did not get , ‘ … only the best , because graded grains make finer flour … ’
30 Thank goodness France does not start its Five Nations campaign until February 1st , giving them another two weeks to put their house in order .
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