Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun prp] [be] [v-ing] on " in BNC.

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1 And so happy and excited that it did not occur to her to worry about the devastating effect Paula was having on Edward .
2 ‘ I think the German poet Goethe was overdosing on irony when he wrote , ‘ If youth is a fault , one soon gets rid of it . ’
3 Furthermore , on -0 April , it seemed that the American support Alexander was counting on would not be forthcoming , as President Truman cabled Churchill : I wish to avoid having American forces being used to fight Yugoslav forces or being used in combat in the Balkan arena On 1 May Alexander returned to his original objective of seizing Trieste and the lines of communication , and on 2 May the New Zealand Division under 13 Corps arrived in Trieste almost simultaneously with Tito 's troops .
4 On the landing Nicholson was leaning on the rail .
5 I think she should , she might not be able , they 'll be , they 'll be I should think , I mean you 'd have to , you 'd have to see when aunty Mary were coming on what whenever
6 At this point Giddens is touching on the deep-lying emotional instincts outlined in Chapters 1 and 2 .
7 Jotan 's wife Arkhina was reclining on cushions in a nearby alcove , and her mother , a daughter of Arjun the Great , was engaged in conversation with the widow of her cousin , who had been parent to Nogai .
8 Tom and Peter and Peter 's new friend Jay were standing on the platform waiting for the southbound Jubilee train .
9 In theory Egypt was embarking on a constitutional liberal democracy , but practice proved something less .
10 In the kitchen Tristan was lying on his back amid a litter of pans and dishes .
11 The Union Jack was fluttering on the television screen , and the National Anthem was booming out .
12 At the time of Mozart 's birth Leopold was working on his Versuch einer gründlichen Violinschule [ Treatise on the fundamentals of violin-playing ] , a highly important theoretical and practical treatise , published later that year ( 2 ) ; it remained the standard violin method for a considerable time , both in the original German and in various translations .
13 Ex-Wigan favourite Iro was looking on the bright side yesterday .
14 By the time the taxi had delivered them to the restaurant Fabia was feeling on more of an even keel .
15 LoPresti and propeller manufacturer Hartzell are co-operating on new cowling/propeller/spinner designs for single and Twin Comanches which they predict will increase their maximum speeds by 42 mph and 35 mph respectively , through reduced drag and more efficient use of propeller airflow .
16 This year Jenna was going on holiday with Glyn , a fact which brought a twinkle to the bright eye of her scheming neighbour Shirley , but they were not lovers , no matter what Shirley thought , and Jenna had pondered long and hard before agreeing to the holiday .
17 She could not help glancing back at No. 43 , in case Jasper was spying on her .
18 When Ruth went into the house Hester was sitting on an upright chair by the table , peeling potatoes .
19 I 'm glad that you commented er , so favourably about brother Hayes ' er , attendance at your headquarters conference because , of course , brother Hayes is acting on my behalf in that capacity .
20 By the time Darwin was working on the Origin of Species , the man who was to become his great opponent in the USA , Louis Agassiz , was using diagrams to show how the various families of fish had flourished and declined through the geological epochs ; and in his handsome volumes of 1857 , Contributions to the Natural History of the United States , I and II , he included a plate of turtles to show the range of variation within a species .
21 At the time Cook was concentrating on smaller , more select parties which left a gap in the market for larger tours .
22 After breakfast I decided to visit Brigade H.Q Taff was sitting on the grass just outside the trench cleaning his Bren gun .
23 By this time Lutyens was drawing on every menu card available — not even the napkins and tablecloths escaped — enthusiastically filling them with plans and designs .
24 By this stage Dougal was relying on Lorton 's instructions .
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