Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun prp] [be] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Shadow Health Minister and labrador Offa were waiting at a Blackpool rank when Brian pulled up in his Ford Orion .
2 Michele had phoned ahead , and his sleek silver Mercedes was waiting for him , the engine ticking over .
3 Eye witness Richard was driving behind the coach when the accident happened .
4 The beautiful fourteenth-century cathedral in Den Bosch is suffering from the men drinking at the surrounding cafes and bars .
5 MOVIE monster Godzilla is heading for Hollywood and a multi-million pound budget .
6 And so happy and excited that it did not occur to her to worry about the devastating effect Paula was having on Edward .
7 Indeed , SunSoft believes UI will have to become more sensitive to future Unix issues because of the claimed lack of technological investment USL is making in Unix compared to SunSoft 's endeavours .
8 It is understood former Lord Mayor Carson was speaking during a debate on the Laganside Concert complex debate .
9 ‘ I think the German poet Goethe was overdosing on irony when he wrote , ‘ If youth is a fault , one soon gets rid of it . ’
10 ‘ Listen , ’ I replied , ‘ pretty soon the whole of south-west London is going to be under the iron heel of Argol of the planet Tellenor .
11 Killer Clare was looking after Cathy because she had been employed by a home care agency which had n't checked her references — though she was wanted for arson .
12 Rock pin-up Ricky was performing at London 's Town & Country club when the £10,000 lighting tower crashed on to the stage .
13 By Easter Eva was presiding over the annual weekend houseparty of the nurses ' fellowship .
14 There can be little doubt that some people in early Anglo-Saxon England were dealing in gold and were concerned about quality and quantity , and it does not matter if the balances were the property of foreign traders because the implication remains that transactions were taking place .
15 Whether it was the suggestion or pure tiredness Maggie was yawning as if in her support .
16 Furthermore , on -0 April , it seemed that the American support Alexander was counting on would not be forthcoming , as President Truman cabled Churchill : I wish to avoid having American forces being used to fight Yugoslav forces or being used in combat in the Balkan arena On 1 May Alexander returned to his original objective of seizing Trieste and the lines of communication , and on 2 May the New Zealand Division under 13 Corps arrived in Trieste almost simultaneously with Tito 's troops .
17 It was beautiful , and the work Marie-Christine was putting into it was exquisite , and Sabine told her so sincerely .
18 A young woman who was dressing the female dummies in the lingerie department window Steven was looking at frowned at him and gave him a suspicious , disapproving look which he noticed her just in time to see .
19 Behind and back up the fairway Andy was waiting for Des to play first from behind the cross bunkers .
20 Phillips and Williams ( 1982b ) found that over 10 per cent of the 1,000 applicants in South Devon were living in bedsitters or caravans , while about one in five were sharing a kitchen , bathroom or WC ; 5 per cent were living in accommodation that lacked at least one of these facilities , and some even lacked mains electricity or water .
21 By the second half Scotland was fighting for her life , and a missed tackle gave the opening that led to the home team 's great goal .
22 No wonder Deptford was crawling with patrol cars . ’
23 Further , South Korea is experimenting with the conversion of EPZs into science parks .
24 Muccio discussed the incidents at Kaesong and Chunchon with Rhee on 10 May : he reminded the President that UNCOK was observing developments and it would hardly benefit the cause of South Korea if the impression was conveyed to the UN that South Korea was indulging in aggression .
25 He reached her , he was face to face with her , the press girl Annabel was plucking at his clinging black roll-neck 's sleeve gingerly , with her fingertips .
26 Has that little jerker Lewis been messing with my brokers ?
27 Greenberg also warns the Unix contingent not to try to hoist NT on same petard Microsoft is using against Unix .
28 Greenberg also warns the Unix contingent not to try to hoist NT on same petard Microsoft is using against Unix .
29 Lord Spinoza claimed that his Calculator Maximus was indulging in some financial irregularities .
30 Last time we were at Lane Notts were leading by two goals to nil over Pisa but the Italians have got one back .
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