Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [adv] as we " in BNC.

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1 At first it was men who were not allowed into the house and although this position resulted in a lot of criticism and ridicule , most feminists had some sympathy so long as we did n't seriously advocate separatism for all women .
2 We both got out of the jeep as fast as we could and sprinted in the direction of the slit trenches .
3 We called and shouted and sailed our little boat as fast as we could .
4 The sooner Sizewell C is built the better as far as we 're concerned .
5 One might be tempted to argue that the photon is absorbed by the microscope and that by measuring the latter 's consequent recoil , due to acquiring the photon 's momentum after its collision with the electron , we could evaluate this momentum as accurately as we wished .
6 It was the end of cabaret as far as we were concerned .
7 Everyone went away thoroughly entertained , but it was a very disappointing result as far as we are concerned . ’
8 This is an important question , one which we were not able to pursue in our research as far as we would have liked .
9 He believed as Lionel Curtis did that Indians ' souls had to be renovated before they were fit to govern : he deeply shocked the American journalist William Shirer by announcing that ‘ Self-government … is inconceivable and unattainable without the removal of untouchability , as it also is without Hindu-Moslem unity … we shall be unfit to gain independence so long as we keep in bondage a fifth of the population of Hindustan . ’
10 ‘ Also there is no dispute between the 1964 Company and the FR as far as we are concerned .
11 Organisations like ACET need this support to enable people like myself to retain maximum control and continue to live at home as independently as we can .
12 Bob Platt and I pressed for a bowler as fiercely as we could , but to no avail .
13 We only brought you and the boy as swiftly as we could to Andernesse . ’
14 as I 've indicated that is the physical capacity as far as we 're concerned .
15 Even at the end of the sixteenth century , which is a great golden era as far as we were concerned , you know , the madrigal came from Italy and it was the Italian import that influenced English composers , rather than the other way round .
16 We should kill the poll tax as quickly as we can .
17 Peta and Isobel fell in love with the place as surely as we have and they , like us , concentrated on the commonplace .
18 On the motorways no problems at the moment as far as we know .
19 The night skies were star-filled and clear , the only snag as far as we were concerned being the dawn mist which appeared as the sky lightened and the squadron started to return , making visibility difficult to judge , both for us and the aircraft trying to land .
20 Of course , we can in theory expand the business as fast as we like , but even a major player like Sainsbury 's has n't got an infinite supply of skilled bakers and bakery managers on hand .
21 It 's still a pretty new and unfamiliar business as far as we 're concerned .
22 Completion of these projects , planned for Spring 1991 , wo n't come a moment too soon as we are already desperately short of warehousing space and will soon need the additional production capacity .
23 We now know the Moon 's surface as well as we know the Earth 's .
24 ‘ That is the only person as far as we are aware who was in the area at the time , and they must have seen what happened , but so far they have not come forward . ’
25 There are two important systems of nomenclature as far as we are concerned .
26 It was a completely unique event as far as we were concerned it 'd never happened before and hopefully it 'll never happen again .
27 In reaching his decision he founded himself on the only reported case as far as we know that has been decided under this provision ; it is the decision of the Court of Appeal in Brown v Liverpool Corporation [ 1969 ] 3 AER 1345 .
28 The Scottish National Party deputy leader , Allan Macartney , said that Highlands and Islands needs had been accentuated by recent job losses , and forecast : ‘ The UK will never press our case for regional funding as effectively as we could .
29 For instance , the fact that our reliable belief-gathering method provides here a true belief rather than a false one , as it sometimes does , will be just luck as far as we are concerned .
30 The Smiths are definitely a no-go area as far as we are concerned in the future . ’
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