Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Under pressure and under personal attack , the planners retreated into a legalistic interpretation of their role , making much of the requirements of various Acts of Parliament most notably The Sewerage ( Scotland ) Act of 1968 which , they argued , obliged them to service all new houses , something which they could only do by concentrating properties in particular places in order to reduce the cost of such an exercise .
2 In addition , Pahl ( 1975 ) and others have shown that commuting may be a constraint rather then a preference , and that many higher income manual workers are ‘ reluctant commuters ’ , who are only able to afford homes outside metropolitan areas .
3 The worst kind of burn gives painful blisters and general skin damage within about an hour after exposure .
4 While this issue has not been expressly considered , it seems fair to assume that rather than incur the risks inherent in giving the board so wide a discretion , and relying on the usually well-founded assumption that the shareholders ' dominant purpose is to increase their individual wealth , the court , at the price of some distortion , would define the interests of the members exclusively in terms of their personal financial well-being .
5 Once The Stage covered all finals productions from the drama schools , but now they may write up a play perhaps once a year .
6 In the light of the by-election result in Scotland and the fact that we have an opportunity only once a month to put our constituency interests , I appeal to you not to hear frivolous comments from Conservative Members but only real issues that concern Scottish Members of Parliament .
7 His band play only once a month , although they 're offered 15,000 roubles per night .
8 The press releases tells me that most of the aforementioned highlights were written in the studio during the actual recording of this album so maybe the follow-up will be considerably more assured and even-handed .
9 Two young constables who joined the force just over a year ago expressed concern at a plan to judge police performance on the number of arrests .
10 His death spawned one of the great Grand Prix meetings of Europe , the Ivo van Damme Memorial Meeting , held annually in the Heysel Stadium in Brussels , itself a scene of appalling tragedy just over a year earlier at football 's European Cup Final .
11 Chevenement was actually given responsibility for industry as well as research just under a year ago .
12 Mark Clayton joined Eastwell Manor as head chef just over a year ago .
13 He returned to action just over a week ago to show an impressive turn of foot in winning the Prix du Prince d'Orange .
14 George put the finishing touches to the last episode just over a week ago , and the new ITV series starts next Sunday .
15 If , however , you are reconditioning an engine anyway , the fitting of the valve seats will only increase your expense marginally so the return will probably be after only 5,000 miles .
16 The difference being , that if it 's a saucepan then obviously a saucepan you lift it with one hand and if it 's full of hot water or something then you 'd have to be careful .
17 Yes , never had a motor car then , nobody had a motor car then only the Harbourmaster and he had a little old Austin Ruby , the Harbourmaster did , but other duty Harbourmaster he had a motorbike and sidecar .
18 Example 4:3 Index-linked rent : upwards only YIELDING AND PAYING the annual sum of £ … ( " the basic rent " ) payable quarterly in advance on the 25th of March the 24th of June the 29th of September and the 25th of December in each year and in addition such sum payable on each of the above dates in advance ( " the index-linked rent " ) as bears the same proportion to one quarter of the basic rent as is borne by the figure shown in the General Index of Retail Prices ( " the index " ) for the month immediately preceding the months in which payment of any particular instalment of rent is due to the figure ( which is the figure shown in that index for the month of … ) minus one quarter of the basic rent PROVIDED THAT ( 1 ) if after the date of this lease the index is calculated by reference to a different base date or base figure then the index-linked rent shall be calculated as if that change had not taken place ( 2 ) if the index ceases to be published or if for any reason it becomes impossible or impracticable to calculate the index-linked rent then either the landlord or the tenant may by notice require the rent to be thenceforth reviewed at such times and in such manner as may be agreed between them or in default of agreement be determined by a single arbitrator to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors who shall have regard to market practice prevailing at the time of such notice in relation to new lettings of property of the same type as the demised property ( 3 ) in no circumstances shall the total rent payable under this lease be less than the basic rent
19 It was attached to the monitor so the nurses could see what was happening to the baby and every time I had a contraction my stomach went rock hard so the belt dug into me .
20 As you might imagine my monthly food bill has gone up quite appreciably , far more than the five pounds a month just before the programme Too Long a Winter was made .
21 We began our preparation just over a year ago when Father Tim announced that people of 15 years or over could apply to be confirmed .
22 The vet diagnosed botulism so undoubtedly the goose was infected .
23 ‘ From a practical point of view , they are still dependent on their company for career progression and can not have the independence an external auditor would have nor would they necessarily have the technical expertise if they conducted a statutory audit only once a year . ’
24 Greater and lesser frequency existed in about equal proportions , but nearly twice as many of this married population had intercourse only once a week , or less often , than had intercourse three times or more in a week .
25 Nobody since the first Napoleon made his Corsican brothers kings of half Europe had made the political code of the Latin world of the Mafia so obviously the basis of his policy as Nicolae Ceauşescu .
26 He could not allow himself to fall in love with a girl so obviously a part of the world of wealth and consequence which he had abandoned .
27 And , because all this capability was part of the Macintosh operating system it was available to any software developer so almost every package that appears for the system works the same way .
28 From my point of view , we had originally hoped to progress this proposal just over a year ago when spare money became available , but unfortunately , the bureaucratic process and conservatism of the people involved prevented us from doing this in time .
29 ‘ I do n't suppose we sit out in the sun above twice a year .
30 He signed as a full professional on 26 October 1964 and made his senior debut at Leicester ( 0–0 ) in a 4th round League Cup-tie just over a week later .
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