Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [verb] down [art] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the party leadership 's opposition to aspects of Mr Nemeth 's austerity measures , the budget is expected to be approved today , after parliament successfully watered down the controversial changes in housing policy which entailed steep rent rises and a sharp increase in mortgage payments .
2 The British Press habitually looks for an opportunity eventually to knock down the heroes they have created and placed on pedestals , if only to do something new .
3 The absence of the category of consciousness inevitably plays down the role of individual subjects and thus of individual agency and resistance as a result of specific acts of will .
4 It is noteworthy , then , that the recipient often writes down the details that he is told .
5 As the car then goes down the line , past various work stations , all the components are fitted to the car in turn .
6 Similarly , the suppressed sadist who exercises the inclination by verbal humiliation might be thought of as needing to dominate , while the one who by word and action emotionally breaks down the victim as a person might be destructive .
7 Slugs can be a menace in the greenhouse in winter so put down a few slug pellets .
8 Yesterday , the Princess also turned down an invitation to try out a hospital treadmill saying she was much too fit already .
9 The committee also turned down a request from batsman Philip Robinson , who declined a new contract with the county , to be classified as a ‘ non-contested ’ registration .
10 The crash also pushed down the output-capital ratio , by an average of one tenth , as excess capacity mounted .
11 Fears in the financial markets that government policy towards the pound was in disarray also drove down the currency 3.05 cents against the dollar to $1.5775 .
12 Masturbation was most often used to demonstrate how the transgression of divine law inevitably brought down the wrath of God : ‘ For he that soweth his flesh , shall of the flesh reap corruption . ’
13 Coming down from the Col de la Pierre-Saint-Martin there is no need to drive back the way you came , through Arette , because five miles from the top you can fork off to the right and come down in sylvan splendour through the very heart of the Forêt d'lssaux , before either turning sharp left down the valley of the Lourdios and a not very good road to Issor , or carrying straight on to follow one of two better , more or less interchangeable roads back into the valley of the Aspe near Bedous .
14 But the controller there took down the details incorrectly and sent an ambulance to Falkirk .
15 Whatever weight one attaches to each of these factors , the extent and pattern of accumulation undeniably drove down the rate of profit in the years before 1973 .
16 The Act therefore laid down a " statement of particulars " to be included in any contract — the nature and length of the voyage , the time to be on board , the capacity in which the seaman was to serve , the amount of wages and scale of provisions to be provided and any disciplinary rules or penalties to be applied while on board — thus anticipating by 122 years the detailing of terms universally required by the Contracts of Employment Act 1972 .
17 But this very silence casts doubt on Mancini 's central point that the council actually voted down the king 's expressed wishes .
18 But this very silence casts doubt on Mancini 's central point that the council actually voted down the king 's expressed wishes .
19 On opening the door and passing through the doorway the plaintiff immediately fell down a flight of steps and sustained injury .
20 Ad hoc alliances of green organizations take place from time to time , and at the end of 1988 Greenpeace , Friends of the Earth and the World Wide Fund for Nature jointly threw down a ‘ green gauntlet ’ to the government , urging it to turn propaganda about the environment into action .
21 Sewage nowsimply runs down the streets .
22 It proved so effective that Wedgwood 's QC suddenly threw down the gauntlet to those he had continually derided as the ‘ united aesthetes ’ saying , ‘ If you are so sure you can save this building , buy it yourselves for £1 . ’
23 ITV last night finally brought down the curtain on Highway — the early evening Sunday ‘ God slot ’ .
24 Athelstan hid a smile , looking at the sweat still pouring down the fat coroner 's face , the great , stout stomach wobbling with a mixture of pride and anger .
25 The disaster on the London-Belfast flight happened after one of the Boeing 's two engines began to break up and the crew mistakenly shut down the other one .
26 The operating crew mistakenly shut down the no. 2 engine .
27 In 1992 the Supreme Court unanimously struck down a hate-crime ordinance in St Paul , Minnesota , that was invoked after a cross-burning .
28 I was in the supermarket the other day and then this bloke , I saw this bloke pick up this massive bottle of er vinegar right , and he took the top off there was some old woman just going down the aisle and he just started pouring it all over her
29 Parents and teachers claim Rainbow deliberately plays down the risk of contracting Aids from homosexual relationships by suggesting there is nothing frightening about the gay lifestyle .
30 Benjamin asked , turning his chair slightly to look down the table at Dacourt .
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