Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 The long-term asymptotic rise eventually adds a further increase of 2.1x10 -6 Hz to the rotation rate .
2 These moves will ensure that the programme better supports the longer term strategies of our business , as well as maintaining AEA 's recognised technical excellence in the scientific community and giving more value for money .
3 The drawing just pre-dated the wilder stories of Modigliani 's debauchery , before he became the established drunk of Montparnasse in the eyes of the world .
4 The Flavia is a small tomato , which is left on the vine longer to develop a fuller flavour .
5 His action directly contradicted an earlier order from President Leonid Kravchuk of Ukraine .
6 Control wanted a complete run-down , and knowing the way Hurley operated , I think the DIA probably had a better handle on it from my back-channel stuff than DEA headquarters did through its own official channels . ’
7 There are dicta in Vestey which indicate that Herdman v IRC may not be good law , but it is felt that the Revenue probably have the better argument on a simple reading of the legislation .
8 However , the Canadian multicentre post-term pregnancy trial group found that women allowed to go into labour spontaneously had a higher rate of caesarean section ( 24.5% ) than those who had labour induced ( 21.2% ) because of an increased incidence of fetal distress in the first stage .
9 Knowing Hurley , Coleman was pretty sure that the DIA now had a better grasp of what was going on at DEA Nicosia than the DEA itself .
10 The new plants on the continent then did a better productivity job , and that was that .
11 Equally , some political organisations are so ineffective ( the Labour Party ) , that riot actually stands a better chance , on occasion , of making the powers-that-be aware of discontent .
12 AT THEIR full meeting on August 3 , North Cornwall District Council overwhelmingly endorsed the earlier recommendation by the Planning Committee to approve the relaying of the former Bodmin & Wadebridge Railway branch-line to Wenfordbridge for the principal purpose of carrying china clay .
13 Buying such gilts via a stockbroker normally incurs a higher cost .
14 As a result , people in the South generally have a lower life expectancy than that of their northern neighbours , one fifth suffer from malnutrition and half have no opportunity to become literate .
15 The soul of a true Hero always finds a better rate of exchange , and is valued highly by the gods .
16 He suggested that the one who asks for containment usually has a simpler personality than the container who has a tendency to dissociate .
17 The council also passed a further motion to send a deputation to the Southern Board to express their concern .
18 The Chancellor also gave a further boost to exporters .
19 Management now requires a larger perspective than in the past : the school manager needs to know what is happening in higher education , in technical education and in the vocational sphere .
20 The single electron then occupies the lower orbital , d z 2 , and the overall energy of the system is reduced .
21 Vine-Lott claims that the Glasgow Stock Exchange actually handles a greater volume of private client business than London .
22 Ministry in the home never has a lower priority than that outside the home .
23 To reach such a conclusion necessarily requires a longer perspective than that allowed by brief life on earth , followed by eternal night .
24 But then , once again , they catch sight of a pair of tall scaly three-toed legs and the dominant cock suddenly acquires a bigger flock of babies .
25 Antislavery thus had a further institutional base but it was thereby also vulnerable as regards united action to the outbreak of warfare amongst religious parties .
26 With family honour at stake , his inquisitive nature just gets the better of him …
27 The meeting also elected a further eight members , four ladies and four men , the first time any members had been proposed and seconded .
28 The meeting also marked a further stage in the MEP 's move away from pursuing full independence in 1996 .
29 But the idea of citizenship also had a wider impact , particularly in Eastern Europe , where the assertion of civil and political rights against the political dictatorships had a central place in the doctrines of the opposition movements .
30 Morton 's Adhesives and Specialty Polymers group probably has a greater diversity of products and markets — both in terms of end uses and of geography — than any other part of the company .
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