Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 15.00 : Dictated letter for parent almost word for word as Head 's letter .
2 Stay two weeks and have an extra week free on room only basis for arrivals between 1 May–31 October .
3 Stay 2 weeks and have an extra week free on room only basis for arrivals between 1 May–31 October .
4 Stay 1 week and have an extra week free on room only basis for arrivals between 1 May–31 October .
5 Stay 1 week and receive an extra week free on room only basis for arrivals between 1 May–31 October .
6 Stay 1 week and have an extra week free on room only basis for arrivals between 1 May–31 October .
7 Why , he asked , should not telephone engineers when canvassing for telephone business also canvas for Electrophone subscribers , when they would be remunerated by a commission from the Electrophone Company ?
8 Many of the full-time farmers and the more established part-time farmers were already at maximum output so room for increase was limited .
9 Now we 're obviously even split two in each three so aggressive group So remember want it to work in a group that a normal style so volunteers for groups ?
10 That nearest to the pilot is large , and controls the elevator trim working in the natural sense i.e. forward for nose down .
11 If they accept a contractual obligation to provide care , they may find that voluntary sector care increasingly substitutes for services which otherwise would have been provided by statutory agencies ; they will thus become mainstream rather than supplying supplemental , additional services .
12 Mr Byers wants to know : Why did VSEL pay only £1 for Lairds ?
13 At present the EEC Nine are around 95–97% self-sufficient in beef production so opportunities for expansion appear to be limited .
14 He told how she and Garry used to call round to his house ever Sunday for lunch .
15 Do a cup of coffee now Jean for God 's
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