Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The user can select ‘ F ’ for Full Listings or ‘ A ’ for Abbreviated Listings in which case only details of package modules will be included in the Listing .
2 Their decision to precipitate a leadership contest only days after Labour 's fourth humiliating general election defeat threatened to plunge the party into a new bout of recrimination and in-fighting .
3 Began to see last night , he wrote , that duck-rabbit effect only variant on boxing-match .
4 Only hours later , police frogmen found Tania Probyn 's Renault car under 12ft of water in the River Severn at Stonebench .
5 Because of the need to be able to assimilate and present objectively masses of map data and also because of scepticism sometimes expressed about their very existence , rejuvenation features , mainly successions of erosion surfaces , were quite early subjected to quantitative methods of investigation and depiction , which still illustrate well some of the problems and pitfalls involved .
6 No longer do we expect the penis to be a magical instrument that stands upright on demand , throbs and pulsates all night with the strength of 10,000 men , and immediately regains its firmness just seconds after ejaculation .
7 Obviously , if you are eating more fibre-rich food you are likely to cat more grams of fibre .
8 The magnitude of manoeuvre-induced instrument errors is dependent upon the rate-of-change of aircraft attitude during the manoeuvres producing the error ie rate-of-change of pitch , roll or yaw , and rate-of-change of height and airspeed .
9 The two vehicles came to a halt virtually bumper to bumper , with no room to pass each other between the dry stone walls .
10 If such were genuinely a principle of English criminal law then definitionalism concerning mistake would be vindicated .
11 15.00 : Dictated letter for parent almost word for word as Head 's letter .
12 On the last lap , we watched three cars coming towards the chequered flag almost side by side : Andretti , Depailler and Hunt .
13 Erm the nuclear industry also has erm er a subsidy , it 's known as the nuclear levy erm and there is reasons for that erm one is that erm some money has to be put aside to decommission nuclear power stations in the future erm now the s C G B , before it was broken up , had been actually putting some money aside year by year yeah ou ou out of the money that was generated fr er er from selling electricity nuclear power stations , some was put to one side , notionally , o on the accounts f f for a future decommissioning .
14 Yeah but he was a shopper so person in charge let's go and see if we can find someone .
15 Divide into four and make each piece of dough into a circle approx 25cm/10in in diameter .
16 The wave of arrests of UDR men took place yesterday morning as part of the investigation into security force collusion .
17 It had to be constantly and carefully monitored , for if and when Chinese aggression ever carne in earnest , that was where the tanks and the missile launchers would be concentrated .
18 Under mature coniferous forest further changes in soil properties occur .
19 Why , he asked , should not telephone engineers when canvassing for telephone business also canvas for Electrophone subscribers , when they would be remunerated by a commission from the Electrophone Company ?
20 One fast-food bar owner reckons the ring of steel is costing his business about £1,000 per week .
21 Further , there is a general westward drift of material along this section of the coast , so that the shingle formations exhibit a wide variety of features due both to straightforward wave action and to longshore drift .
22 Roblin again bang on target with another kick which gave the visitors a 9-3 lead at half-time .
23 Our results suggest that DNA binding to a sequence over the transcription initiation site is not sufficient for autoregulation as protein VT2 specifically interacts with the HSV-1 IE-3 consensus site yet evidence from transfection assays ( 17 ) and also the recombinant HSV-140 virus ( 13 ) suggests that intact 140k fails to repress this IE-3 promoter .
24 Leave the shelter taking a course slightly north of east .
25 You can of course also book by telephone using your credit card
26 Many of the full-time farmers and the more established part-time farmers were already at maximum output so room for increase was limited .
27 Water under tons of pressure collapsed into the undersea atomic shelter .
28 The pillar box was mounted on a platform about 10ft above deck and you reached it by climbing up a ladder .
29 Day today decisions in relation to the operation and control of the section .
30 In the montane life of the gelada baboon today predation from village dogs occurs , especially on young animals , and the geladas are clearly fearful of them .
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