Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [vb -s] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Jo 's lesbianism is also important to the way she dresses ; she does n't want to look what she calls ‘ too femme ’ , and says that when she wears a skirt she gets a lot more hassle from men .
2 Out of her black handbag she brings a packet of Silk Cut cigarettes .
3 ‘ If he has this horse he has a chance .
4 Well look at the speed it takes a disc onto the hard disc !
5 In ret in terms of inward investment the economic development strategy focuses on inward investment it has a role to play .
6 For the defendant it means a life without the restrictions and overcrowding of prison , where the only contact with the family is at visiting times .
7 Also known as the COCKATRICE it has a cock 's comb on its head and it is born from an egg laid by a rooster and hatched by a snake .
8 Actively pursuing further ideas for community development and local economic regeneration it presents a challenge to conventional development rationale which focuses upon maximising the leverage of private sector investment for the minimum necessary public expense .
9 As a result he reaches a conclusion , which may seem astonishing , though is easily open to misinterpretation , ‘ The truth is that catallaxics is the science which describes the only overall order that comprehends nearly all mankind , and that the economist is therefore entitled to insist that conduciveness to that order be accepted as a standard by which all particular institutions are judged . ’
10 In addition to the subjects discussed in this chapter it contains a list of rulers from the English settlement to 1154 , a table of regnal years ; exchequer years ; a list of popes from Gregory I to Paul VI , and a tabulation of saints ’ days and other festivals .
11 Such a word may be useful to a literary man but it throws little light on Green 's intentions except when he uses it in a negative sense ; in one chapter he states a subject was ‘ unpicturesque and consequently not worth an artists attention ’ .
12 In effect he has a period of grace .
13 In effect it becomes a reflection of an almost puritanical social containment of the individual , with metaphoric import as a statement of correctness for the society outside .
14 The course is a joint project of Spurgeon 's College and the Oasis Trust and in effect it provides a choice for candidates for the Baptist ministry .
15 Leave my do n't destroy that carbon it costs a pound for a
16 Yesterday the education committee agreed Gillbrook can continue using Lowfields fields on condition it accepts a licence that prevents the school from claiming the land if it opts out .
17 In essence it becomes a matrix of connected businesses that normally have much weaker direction from the corporate centre than a Stage 2 company .
18 The man was given a 2 year probation order on condition he attends a clinic .
19 She has creases at the corners of her eyes , and when she lowers her head to avoid Howard 's serious gaze she has a fold of flesh under her jaw .
20 No that 's a dish she wants a box .
21 In addition to the objections already raised , such as the promotion of the goal of utilitarianism by questionable means , we can point to the fact that as compared with sarvodaya it shows a lack of humanity .
22 Although classed as a village it has a town hall in the market place .
23 Originally built for food manufacture it incorporates a number of free standing cold stores which can be removed if required .
24 The Faculty asks much of its students ; in return it offers a course programme that rewards and repays resourceful study and academic success .
25 I suppose if you are always breaking the law it creates a lot of pressure . ’
26 Once a court has upheld a provision as being part of common law it creates a precedent to be followed by other courts .
27 Well it 's like a big lever and it has a , at the bottom it has a bar which the very high tensile steel is fixed into .
28 So for the animal-watcher it becomes a challenge , with every brightly coloured species encountered , to find out what particular advantage there is in giving up the quiet life and facing daily exposure .
29 In his present incumbency he takes a company into its twelfth season this spring looking remarkably solid and healthy .
30 Excited by this discovery he announces a novel and profound moral principle , a new addendum to the catalogue of human rights .
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