Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [coord] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Themes are a splendid way of giving exhibitors a bias ; it challenges them to put on their thinking caps and at times they can find material with only a subtle connection .
2 He is no longer welcome at the courts of any other Elector Counts nor at Altdorf .
3 At football matches or at confrontations at seaside resorts the police have to put up with a lot of abuse .
4 The habitats dealt with here are primarily of importance for the numbers of wildfowl and waders present during the winter months and at times of passage .
5 In April the Smolensk Party advised the Roslavl' cell that contributions to the Famine were tailing off in the Roslavl' area , so two new directives were issued : first , to collect another famine tax , with every twenty town-workers or employees supporting one hungry child , and every five peasant households contributing for one hungry adult ; second , to hold agitational meetings in all trade-union branches and at village skhod meetings .
6 Here there was room to have a dig at ‘ trade unionists … too , screaming abuse and interfering with others on their way to work ’ , alleging that excitement on picket lines and at rock films amounted to the same thing : ‘ These are all manifestations of the primitive herd instinct . ’
7 In so far as they encourage greater police intervention on picket lines or at demonstrations , and enable them to impose their authority on many aspects of community life , the 1984 and 1986 Acts have profound implications for the possibility of disorder .
8 In Ceylon , stations ranged from those which served the elegant bungalow coastal suburbs of Colombo and those used by Europeans seeking refreshment at the hill stations or at Mount Lavinia to special ‘ coolie ’ stations , where the Tamil labour migrants introduced from South India to the tea plantations could be detrained and kept in quarantine until health requirements could be met .
9 This study related to the statistical measurement of tourism as covered by surveys of visitors to tourist attractions , tourist destinations and at passenger termini .
10 During the rest hours and at night , he had turned his face to the wall and cried over their shared youth and all the bonds of sun and blowing grass and long evenings full of the sound of tumbling rooks that tied their lives together .
11 An Act of 1485 had already made hunting in disguise or by night a felony ; it was re-enacted several times so that Forest offenders could be prosecuted at Quarter Sessions or at Assizes .
12 FOR the second week running high quality furniture topped the price lists and at Andersons a mahogany D-end economy table was sold at £2,250 ; another economy table from the Georgian era for £1,700 and a pair of shaped top , cabriole leg specimen cabinets at £1,250 .
13 If you wish to use old frames for your pressed flower work , you may find just what you are looking for at home , or by rummaging around in junk shops or at auctions .
14 Not only in school contexts , but in hospitals and day centres and at home , the new relationship has become a teacher/pupil one .
15 Only the war saved Joyce from declining into the crankiness and obscurity of those who , for instance , demanded in small newspaper advertisements and at Speakers ' Corner why the bishops refused to open Joanna Southcott 's box .
16 Exalted girls hung out at back stages and at hotels , trying to make the acquaintance of new born stars .
17 The sea off Sussex is shallow ; only off the chalk cliffs and at Fairlight does the five-fathom line come nearer than one kilometre from the shore , and along most of the county it is three or more kilometres out from the shore .
18 Carmarthen Bay & Teifi Valley is rich in stone age relics and at Coygen Cave , between Laugharne and Pendine , is one of the most important finds in Wales .
19 Her patronage of Bruce Oldfield notwithstanding , the Princess ' instinct for clothes , once freed from the stultifying dullness of her ultra-yah family , has proved to be more High Street than haute couture ; witness the acres of Di-wear replication in major chain stores and at weddings and company dances the length and width of the land ( and in Australia and the United States too where she is a considerable star ) .
20 They will travel at a maximum 50mph on the two main rail routes but at 30mph in the city centre , where they share street space with ordinary road traffic .
21 It can also examine timetables to ensure that bus companies operate not only at peak times but at midday or at other times when people wish to travel to doctors , hospitals or services that may be situated in the centres of population in cities and towns .
22 Available from craft shops and at Pavilion , 6a Howe St , Edinburgh EH3 6TD ( 031–225 3590 ) , where a Christmas star costs £2.25 , Ivy ( CA4 ) , £5.10 , stencil paints , £2.99 each and gold paint , £3.25 ; mail order available — add £1.50 p&p .
23 Except in the press room and hospitality suite , on the fifteenth floor , the festival only really existed during the twice-daily theatre events and at dinner .
24 The neighbourhood police also provide extra manpower for the Community Relations Unit at special events in youth clubs or at camps .
25 Even in this sense as Chapter 5 will show , the LDP has hardly been a united force , with the cabinet and Diet members divided into personality factions and at odds with bureaucrats or business on some issues .
26 Emergency arrangements were made to house key staff in other City buildings and at Croydon , where the company has four offices .
27 The course will be staffed by two of our most experienced and popular trainers , Margaret Charlwood and Jean Parmiter , who have visited Norfolk in the past to teach at training days and at rallies .
28 Suggestions of a tourist tax on hotel beds or at airports proposed by the shadow local government minister , was met with anger and dismay by the hotel industry .
29 I was greatly attracted to Georgia , and was able to enjoy her company at several film shows or at dinners on evenings when neither of us was working .
30 There were no street lights and at night the streets were deserted .
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