Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We shall certainly keep in close touch with the Cornish ambulance service and , of course , with every other ambulance service to ensure that they match response times and put to good use our investment in the ambulance service .
2 At a further ministerial meeting in August and after a heads of government meeting in Grenada in September , the four Windward islands agreed to create a regional constituent assembly to discuss unity plans and to prepare for a referendum to be held in mid-1991 .
3 Pour into the pastry cases and bake for 6–9 minutes .
4 Decked in tasselled yellow howdah cloths and ridden by straw-hatted Annamese mahouts perched straddle-legged behind their ears , a dozen elephants lumbered slowly across the flagstones and lined up before the open doors .
5 Without access to case notes and forbidden as part of her training to ask direct questions of either Father Racy or Amy herself , Theodora had at first found it hard to place her either in terms of her problem or socially .
6 Put cheese and pineapple onto cocktail sticks and stick into fruit to make the porcupines ' spikes .
7 For the smaller flags , glue on to halved cocktail sticks and stick into the red balls of fondant .
8 Pierce 2 olive halves and one gherkin with halved cocktail sticks and put in orange to make porcupines ' eyes and nose .
9 To make the bullrushes , take the cocktail sticks and press into the 8 leaves around the side of the pond cake .
10 It is more usual nowadays to use computer metaphors and refer to the programming of learning ( e.g. Pulliam & Dunford , 1980 ) .
11 We have doubled our medical input to our immunisation clinics and struggled through the difficulties of vaccine availability only to be informed that we are working for no reward .
12 The friar sat down on the sanctuary steps and stared into his fat , cheery face .
13 Validated centres may if they wish adapt these to suit their own teaching styles and to correspond with the contexts in which the modules are being offered .
14 Any comprehensive community care system must ensure that all service users have ready access to skilled help from someone who is trained to assess their entitlements , to negotiate on their behalf with the Department of Social Security and other agencies , to assist with budgeting , offer financial advice and , where the individual desires it , hold benefit books and cheque books and arrange for regular bills to be paid and financial commitments to be planned .
15 Graham 's ( 1972 ) analysis of the social processes leading to the US Comprehensive ( sic ) Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act , 1970 , considers how , through tough lobbying tactics and calling on good connections — especially in the House of Representatives — the pharmaceutical manufacturers were able to limit the discussion of amphetamine abuse so that it focused on that small minority of persons who inject it .
16 On behalf of all local authority caterers , I thank Joe Hyam for his kind words and support for the local authority caterers .
17 ‘ That 's some sort of women , ’ thought Sid , as he watched her skip up the kitchen steps and disappear into the bright sunlight of the car park .
18 The second class consisted of the 40 most frequent words excluding function words and extending over the entire concordance line , to represent collocates of the node .
19 The credibility of our called ministry stands or falls with respect to the other priorities that God has laid out for us .
20 As midnight drew near , they burst balloons , popped champagne corks and tore around Delhi honking the horns of their new Marutis .
21 It will compel B to let C make the legal claim in his name ; in the last resort it might allow C to take proceedings in Equity in his own name against A. Thus it came to be said that ‘ in Equity debts and choses in action are assignable ’ .
22 Then suddenly one or two break ranks and begin to ‘ porpoise ’ shorewards : the rest follow like a school of flying fish !
23 The report quotes recent research by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory which suggests that experienced drivers are more likely than newly qualified ones to make mistakes such as racing away from traffic lights , signalling with the car headlamps and speeding at night .
24 Like brownies , they prefer to work during daylight hours and snooze in a warm spot by the hearth during the day , only hoping for a bowl of milk as payment for their labours .
25 For the teacher who favours the process model , a development like study skills or reading for leisure would hardly be seen as extra to the curriculum , and for some , even the enhancement of the physical environment can not be divorced from those learning experiences in which education consists : that is to say , " the medium is the message " ( McLuhan cited in Postman and Weingarter , 1971 ) .
26 The stabilization fund was to ensure continued financing for investment and research programmes and support for enterprises " experiencing during the period of transition to market relations difficulties for reasons beyond their control " .
27 In 1990 Alvarez was abducted from his home in Guadalajara by bounty hunters and smuggled into the USA where he was delivered to the DEA .
28 Instead , they hone their personal fighting skills and come in times of need to fight in small warrior bands .
29 Instead they hone their personal fighting skills and come in times of need to fight in small warrior bands .
30 We believe it had been buried in tin cans and hidden in walls
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