Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Pupil also involved in creating small factual and/or fiction databases the same information retrieval program ( KWIRS ) as is used it resources databases .
2 However , one aspect of the making that does tend to give prospective rocking horse makers the most apprehension is the carving of the head .
3 But is n't it time insurance companies started to treat home insurers the same way as motor insurers ?
4 He pointed out that the company 's investment portfolio alone , ‘ which will be worth $17.73 per share by 30 September 1990 , if the portfolio experiences the same rate of growth as last year , is equal to nearly the value of the total cash-out price ’ .
5 IF THERE had been unity , it would have been simple enough : in purely rugby terms the All Blacks are unbeatable , by Wales at any rate , so only a surge of hwyl , a tide of emotion , could hope to stop them .
6 The object of reform should be to require of trade unions the same degree of responsibility within law that is at present required of corporations .
7 The errors are likely to be more significant during changes of pitch attitude than during manoeuvres involving roll or yaw , since in normal flight configurations the latter manoeuvres tend to be smaller in amplitude and duration than is the case with pitch changes .
8 We bring to our working relationships the same potential for disordered conduct as we bring to any other area of our lives .
9 Allocating to biodiversity studies the same amount of money that big science projects already attract would allow these institutions to convert centuries of knowledge to a readily available form through the application of information technology .
10 Legislative power is exercised by a bicameral National Congress , the Senate having 49 elected members and as life members the former Presidents of constitutional governments , and the Chamber of Deputies having 196 members .
11 Greenock 's lobby has in large brass letters the same motto that adorned the key IBM building in New York City in the thirties : ‘ World Peace Through World Trade . ’
12 The privatisation of British Steel and Rover during 1988 were probably the privatisations which gave government ministers the most satisfaction , particularly in the aftermath of the disappointments of the BP flotation .
13 ‘ member states shall accord nationals of the other member states the same treatment as their own nationals as regards participation in the capital of companies or firms within the meaning of article 58 , without prejudice to the application of the other provisions of this Treaty
14 Treaty , under which member states must accord nationals of the other member states the same treatment as their own nationals as regards participation in the capital of companies or firms within the meaning of article 58 .
15 In the nineteenth century cases the former test held sway : if there was no pecuniary interest the court inquired whether there was a real likelihood of bias .
16 Detroit , Michigan-based Compuware says the deal will enable it to release CICS fault diagnosis products the same time as new IBM CICS releases , so giving it as much as a three-month lead over its rivals .
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