Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [adv] have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In my experience climbers seldom have accidents because they are very aware of the equipment needed and the dangers , not only in the climb but in the walk to it .
2 Nevertheless , specialist officers invariably have loyalties to their profession as well as to their employing authority and this further weakens the concept of a unified service .
3 Northamptonshire is often referred to as the County of ‘ Spires and Squires ’ , but village churches often have towers .
4 Tourist organizations also have information about archaeological sites and museums , and will have details of any events taking place at sites — reconstructions of past battles , displays , and demonstrations of ancient crafts , to name but a few .
5 Most ma–or roads now have cycle facilities and it seems likely that these have had a positive effect on the road safety of cyclists .
6 Modern pieces of equipment include whirlpool or spa baths ( whirlpools inject a mixture of air and water , spa baths just have air jets ) , a power shower ( with a choice of jets ) , fitted bathroom cupboards and , if you have space , exercise equipment .
7 Both pythons and pit vipers also have heat sensors in the mouth .
8 The now deserted slit trenches still have equipment and items of clothing , and tins of food similar to our corned beef .
9 However , even here a discrepancy arises as Mercier shows the keyfronts to be black ( just as we see them on the William Smith ) , whereas in all of the spinets by Hitchcock and in his sole surviving harpsichord at the Victoria and Albert Museum , London , the colour of the keyfronts matches the natural key plates ( i.e. ivory keys always have ivory arcades ) .
10 Chain harrows generally have spikes on one side and are plain on the other .
11 In this respect politicians apparently have knowledge of the economy that economists do not .
12 District councils still have discretion to make grants in excess of twenty thousand pounds and er as Mr there can be th there are a limited number of those in the course of the year .
13 These materials are sometimes used in combination — aluminium windows may be set up in timber sub-frame , for example , and upvc windows usually have steel reinforcement inside their box sections for extra strength .
14 Big manufacturing companies often have marketing departments where products are divided into brands , like Persil , or into product groups such as soap powders and detergents .
15 Restaurant chefs always have access to marvellous trimmings for their soups .
16 I believe bus drivers already have radio communication ; could they perhaps use it to report the illegally parked vehicle and summon a towaway unit ?
17 Health visitors now have care of the elderly as one of their main responsibilities .
18 Gibbons 's verse anthems generally have accompaniments for viols as well as organ , while Tomkins 's organ accompaniments are full and sometimes marked by florid ornament in strong contrast to the frequently sketchy organ parts of the previous generation .
19 Many science teachers already have classes in excess of 25 pupils .
20 Also , different departments of the chief accountancy firms often have client relationships with the other party to the dispute , as many clients prefer not to give all their work to one firm .
21 Treatment centres usually have family programmes , some of which are residential .
22 These materials are sometimes used in combination — aluminium doors may be set in a timber sub-frame , for example , and upvc doors usually have steel reinforcement inside their box sections for extra strength .
23 Airline pilots commonly have difficulty in sleeping properly after long flights , especially when there have been time-zone changes .
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