Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [be] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Average milk yields are about 6,700kg at 4.06 per cent butterfat .
2 The type is basically as described for the Ayrshire of Scotland and average milk yields are about 5,800kg at 4.4 per cent butterfat ( the Finnish Friesian averages similar yields but only 4.1 per cent butterfat ) .
3 Average milk yields are about 4,900kg at 3.9 per cent butterfat and the national population is about 115,000 dairy cows .
4 Average milk yields are about 5,250kg at 4.44 per cent butterfat .
5 Average milk yields are about 4,600kg at 6 per cent butterfat .
6 Search times are approximately O ( log2 n ) .
7 Condition Entries are either Y For yes ( this condition is satisfied ) or N for no ( this condition is not satisfied ) .
8 As Fig. 4.4 shows , the assets of investment trusts are overwhelmingly company securities ; there are very few government securities .
9 The interviewers who work for market research companies are usually women who wish to work part-time .
10 In the past , the engagement jewels were often bracelets .
11 Beside small pools on upland moors is where dunlin come to breed .
12 For example second-hand car deals are usually contracts for the sale of specific goods .
13 The trustees in acting prudently on investments need to take advice , and , and we have done so for many years , and our investment advisors are currently Schroder Investment Management Limited .
14 Of course , this is mostly exaggeration , just as it is to suggest that most French club members are merely posers or that the Italians are concerned at keeping talented youngsters off the course unless they have royal blood , or at least one Ferrari .
15 Indeed since eight of the eleven cell members were not peasants , they probably fell easily into this view of their own roles .
16 ‘ If wind speeds are over 3m per second then it 's crazy to think of anything else . ’
17 Would any man in his senses invent a story of a bus crash in which 16,000 passengers were killed ? it is much more likely that these Old Testament numbers were faithfully copies out , despite the fact that they did not seem to make sense .
18 The galena in the Lower Palaeozoic deposits generally contains more silver than that in the carbonate-hosted mineralisation and the associated gangue minerals are generally quartz and/or calcite .
19 The larnaxes or burial chests were apparently imitations in clay of wooden chests .
20 Provision of materials and expert personnel is only part of the requirement ; teachers need opportunities to pool ideas and programmes , share one another 's resources on a personal advice basis , find compatible people to whom to turn for educational and emotional support , meet together in courses and workshops at a variety of levels , often very informally , and find the unusual people or collections in the community that the Exeter project is noting and which have played such a useful part in the work of Devon schools .
21 The orthodox view was that the megalith builders were just savages quite incapable of surveying or having any finer thoughts than grubbing for food and feuding with other tribes .
22 Medical malpractice law suits are now part of the American scene .
23 The capacity rules are just part of a now long list of rules and regulations that surround university life , and make extra demands on the time and freedom of academics .
24 Tell yourself that , like the dung beetle and the greater horned toad , secret intelligence personnel are also God 's creatures .
25 France operates a complex system of subsidised credits rather than grants and the minimum interest rate to be borne by plan beneficiaries is usually 2% pa .
26 The adults which emerge from marble galls are invariably females , which then fly off and lay their eggs in the buds of Turkey oaks .
27 The greatest stimulant to ‘ false hopes ’ in the Warsaw Pact countries is not NATO 's hostility , but its existence ; the permanence of Socialism in Eastern Europe may never be assured whilst the pre-eminence of the Soviet Union in all of Europe is in dispute .
28 Clothing plants are generally clones as is the Formica Plant as part of Formica Inc. and Wilkinson Sword and Lonhro Textiles , even though the latter is a one and only operation , because crucial investment decisions are taken at Lonrho headquarters .
29 The CSE boards were not university dominated .
30 Until 1986 Stock Exchange participants were either brokers , who acted on behalf of clients in buying and selling securities , or jobbers , who held stocks and shares and dealt with brokers as the market required , and acted rather like wholesalers of securities .
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