Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [adv] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 We 've always tried to make our research projects pretty relevant to the real and contemporary problems of education .
2 None the less , given that sociology did award philosophy a juridical role in determining how sociology should conduct its business , the effect has been to make social research methods extremely sensitive to judgements about whether or not they conform to the appropriate methodological criteria .
3 But here the health and safety executive had granted the exemption to allow roof bolts right next to the old working .
4 This new analysis not only presents greater detail than before , it also reflects the more extensive investment powers now available to building societies than were available in 1987 , when the old regulations were made .
5 In no sense are shouting and isolation punishers necessarily secondary to more ‘ fundamental ’ pain-producing stimuli Although a number of theorists have defined punishment as a ‘ pain-producing stimulus ’ the majority of apparent punishments experienced in everyday life are not , strictly speaking , painful .
6 to the allotment of equity securities in connection with a rights issue in favour of the holders of ordinary shares where the equity securities respectively attributable to the interests of the ordinary shareholders are proportionate ( as nearly as may be ) to the respective numbers of ordinary shares held or deemed to be held by them , subject only to such exclusions or other arrangements as the Directors may deem necessary or expedient to deal with fractional entitlements , legal or practical problems arising in any overseas territory or by virtue of shares being represented by depositary receipts , the requirements of any regulatory body or stock exchange , or any other matter ; and
7 to the allotment of equity securities in connection with a rights issue in favour of shareholders where the equity securities respectively attributable to the interests of all shareholders are proportionate [ as nearly as may be ] to their holdings of such shares subject to such exclusions or other arrangements as the directors may consider necessary or expedient to deal with fractional entitlements , statutory restrictions or legal or practical problems under or resulting from the application of the laws of any territory or the requirements of any recognised regulatory body or stock exchange in any territory ; and
8 Even when aware of its existence , more important to most is the question of security , making digital VHF car radios less vulnerable to theft .
9 The answer is that after mating they produce a tiny mobile larvae totally different to the adult this might drift for miles on ocean current before settling into the fixed adult form Down Norwick power station in North Wales , generates the electricity by pump storage , in off peak hours thousands of gallons of water are pumped from a lower lake to an upper lake , when the demand for electricity is high bowels are opened and water falls back through turbine to the lower lake again , this generates the power To ensure that the lower lake would never flood the was diverted through mile long tunnel in the mountain side , no one knew for certain how the salmon , the trout and even rarer that used to migrate up the old river would cope with the tunnels , pitch darkness and slow flowing water .
10 These older cells undergo a second migration and give rise to a variety of cell types quite alien to the site at which they had arrived in their first migration , suggesting that there is a mixed population of cells at each site at the end of migration and the conditions at each site favour the growth and differentiation of specific members of the mixed population ; the others fail to flourish and presumably die .
11 It would be reasonable to expect from this that over a few years , our APR disclosure regulations broadly similar to the US Truth in Lending Law — will raise people 's knowledge of APRs well above the present level , and confirm them in their belief that disclosure of APRs is important .
12 But the peace-tax issue is itself only one small part of a much broader campaign involving peace environmental and community groups to try to make our somewhat outmoded decision-making structures more responsive to the needs of wider constituencies than those which for the most part are represented by our conventional political institutions .
13 Whether they do depends on how easily they can adapt to the relentless street cred , visual gimmickry and ubiquitous dance rhythms generally essential to the Street-Porter school of programme-making .
14 Law centres have tried to address this problem , but it is difficult to isolate the factors which make law centres more accessible to working-class clients .
15 The 80386 was almost certainly inferior to the NS32000 and the Z80000 in the 32-bit microprocessor stakes and there were several 8-bit operating systems much superior to CP/M .
16 Seniority reform made committee chairmen more beholden to their party and its leaders and other innovations carried this process further .
17 Improved forensic science standards and public sector laboratories equally available to the defence and prosecution — this may only go part way to ensuring an equality of arms between the prosecution and defence , which is essential in an adversarial system .
18 Durium records probably came nearest to making sound recordings really accessible to the masses , forming a gramophonic equivalent of the paper-backed book .
19 In order to channel most effectively the social security funds then available to individuals to enter residential care , the benefit would no longer be paid direct to the individual .
20 Russia and the other republics seem to be developing security organizations more analogous to those in the West , with a clear distinction between internal and external security .
21 Since the value of credit vouchers issued exceeds the sale of gift vouchers approximately six to one , it is felt unreasonable to expect the nine branches local to Savacentre to take a disproportionately high cost .
22 Civilian breakdown organisations more used to recovering cars from the nearby A66 broke out in a sweat when businessman David Gresty told them where his truck had been ditched .
23 Recovery took 1802 – 3 wages back to that level , but then a fall took them down 10 per cent by 1808 – 9 , before they recovered this in 1810 – 11 then fell back somewhat to end the war years perhaps 5 to 8 per cent above the level at which they had begun it .
24 The aim of such cooperative research should be to produce the improved crop varieties , better livestock breeding lines and farming techniques most suitable to local conditions .
25 In the face of acute financial difficulties besetting the whole ruling class , the balance of economic power had shifted to powerful tozama lords traditionally hostile to the Bakufu .
26 Even in India , where railway-building developed rapidly between the 1860s and 1880s , the crucial feeder lines most important to the exploitation of India 's resources were only built in the twenty years before the First World War .
27 Both Stainrod and Willie Miller agreed that the blustery conditions did little to enhance the standard of play , but did play its part in forcing the occasional error which provided the series of goalmouth incidents so pleasing to the crowd .
28 You see one of the things I 've done , I 've , I 've done , er I feel we could do quite easily , is make our play barns more accessible to young people , you know .
29 The SGSA 1982 incorporates into such a contract terms almost identical to those applying in the sales contract ( see Chapter 5 ) .
30 For the stomach , grades 0–3 had 0–2 , 3–5 , 6–10 , and >10 erosions or submucosal haemorrhages respectively , and grade 4 had erosions or submucosal haemorrhages too numerous to be counted or an ulcer with clear disruption of the mucosal epithelium and a diameter greater than 0.5 cm .
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