Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] than [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the final movement simple violin accompaniment , the minor mode and plain harmonies one key other than the tonic is once fleetingly touched upon provide a fitting musical parallel to Dido 's end ( Récitatif D minor ) .
2 Whoever had killed Don Roberto had known him or had a first-rate introduction because there were no signs of violence other than the knife wound and Don Roberto had given his staff time off .
3 The bones are derived from barn owl pellets and have been totally protected from any modifying agent other than the owl ( which produces minimal effects ) and weathering .
4 No one must own any horse other than a work horse ; arms were forbidden ; informers were planted in every community to report on breaches of regulations or even suspicions about a man 's trade or lack of it ; and in all cases of doubt , summary hanging was in order .
5 Bastardy law , on the other hand , remained extremely harsh , with the result that the unmarried mother who was rejected by her family had very little recourse other than the workhouse .
6 The most watched programme other than a soap was a repeat of Denis Norden 's The Worst Of It 'll Be Alright On The Night .
7 At least in the first stage of transition , there is no alternative other than a combination of the market and state regulation .
8 It can perform any action other than a communication with the terminated process ( which clearly can not agree to any communication ) .
9 I guessed that she had been blown far from her oasis , and now there was no landmark other than the wheelbarrow , not a tree , not a blade of grass , not a ripple on the plain , nor a rock bigger than my fist .
10 His main investment other than the house is £650,000 of shares in the unquoted Maxwell Aviation International Group .
11 Is there anyone who needs any other instrument other than the piano to perform their homework which was er to create a melody .
12 With a government that appears consciously to thrive on discord , and which has no policy on crime other than the obviousness of its being evil , the central role of the police has been inevitable .
13 So that fellow Smallholders can each exchange their Smallholding and responsibilities with like minded anywhere in the country for little expense other than a registration fee , cost of food and petrol to get there .
14 Questionnaires are sometimes used without an interviewer , the respondent completing the questionnaire without any assistance other than the guidance provided by the written instructions on the questionnaire itself .
15 ( 2 ) A licensing board shall not make any arrangements under subsection ( 1 ) above for the discharge of any of the following functions : ( a ) making a decision on the application for the grant , including the provisional grant , of a new licence ; ( b ) making a decision on an application for the renewal of a licence where a competent objection has been lodged ; making a decision to refuse to grant the renewal of a licence ; making a decision on the permanent transfer of a licence ; ( c ) making a decision on an application for a regular extension of permitted hours ; ( d ) making a decision on the restriction of the terminal permitted hour ; making a decision on an application for restoration of restricted hours ; ( e ) making a decision on an application for Sunday opening under Part 1 of Schedule 4 to this Act other than an application and 13 of that Schedule where no objection is made in relation to the application ; ( f ) making a decision as regards a Sunday restriction order or the revocation of such an order under Part II of Schedule 4 to this Act ; making a decision on the suspension of a licence ; making a decision on a closure order .
16 Third , Labour suffered from its absurd belief that a general election could be a referendum on any single issue other than the economy or , perhaps , defence .
17 The results , summarized in Fig. 3.13 , reveal some evidence of latent inhibition in that these subjects acquired suppression less readily than control subjects that had received initial exposure to a stimulus other than the tone .
18 The courts do not appear to have been troubled by the notion of an issue being determined by an expert other than an individual .
19 An allowance is given for each dependent child other than the applicant and the resultant net income is then compared with a scale which shows the parental contribution to school fees , the balance being met by the Scottish Education Department .
20 The conventional form is generally convenient ; it is useful to have equal eigenvalues in groups and to the use superdiagonal ; but in particular cases it may be well to use a nonzero quantity other than a unit in the superdiagonal .
21 ‘ To … another vehicle ’ means that damage must be caused to a vehicle other than the driver 's motor vehicle .
22 There was no furniture in the room other than a cupboard in the far corner in which were kept special foods such as plates of dates selected from the great storehouse or the enamel pots poured full of the sweet of the area .
23 When choosing dowel at any place other than a kite store which would have selected its stock , rotate the spar between thumb and forefinger of one hand while resting the dowel in the other hand and check that the spar is straight .
24 The purchaser should reject outright any suggestion by any vendor other than a liquidator , administrator or receiver that , unlike a share sale , there is no need to give warranties in an asset sale .
25 Mr JAD Gilliland QC ( sitting as a deputy judge ) permitted the defendants to rescind a contract for the sale of land as a result of a misrepresentation made before contract , despite the fact that clause 10 of the sale agreement provided that the agreement contained all the terms of the contract between the vendor and the purchaser and that the purchaser did not enter into the agreement in reliance on any warranty or representation made or purported to have been made by or on behalf of the vendor other than the vendor 's solicitor 's written replies to enquiries raised by the purchaser 's solicitor .
26 First , it does not appear that any point other than the construction of the document was argued : see the argument at pp. 645 and 646 .
27 We are left with a play on signs which has no ultimate reference point other than the commodity .
28 There are a number of occasions when a gift other than the product might be considered .
29 We can legitimately ask what does a senior official based in Whitehall and acting as a policy adviser to a minister have in common with an administrative officer working in a local branch of the Department of Social Security other than the fact that they are both civil servants ?
30 In natural language indexing which uses a stoplist only , the indexing language is open ; there is no record other than the index itself of the indexing terms that have been assigned .
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