Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] for the first " in BNC.

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1 That would leave the afternoon free for the first walk-around rehearsals where the Director would begin working out his cast , camera and microphone boom movements .
2 That covenant specifies the rent payable for the first five years .
3 Adrian Whitbread says the players have made him feel very welcome and he has settled in well … although he was a bit nervous for the first game on Saturday … he says Town are a good team and he 's looking forward to playing for them also on parade for pictures today …
4 Gen 4 also endows supercomputers with RAID level 5 storage using a 64Kb block size making its use appropriate for the first time .
5 In 1716 the French Almanach Royal for the first time listed the Romanovs as one of the reigning families of Europe , an important recognition of Russia 's new status : during the next generation the completeness and irrevocability of her emergence as a great power was fully brought home to most observers .
6 The first is the launch by Corin of a revolutionary universal hip that enables surgeons to tailor hip replacements to the patient , whilst the second is the advance by AEA of a technique for measuring bone density that has made early detection of bone wastage possible for the first time .
7 And so this will be bringing it together world wide for the first time .
8 Khayyam was not one of the greatest Persian poets , nor the best loved in Persia , but Fitzgerald translation made large Western audience aware for the first time of Persian poetry .
9 When Europeans saw the animal alive for the first time , they christened it the mountain goat because of its unusual agility on narrow , icy ledges .
10 It is also true at a more subtle level in that Nyerere , perhaps the finest political debater in Africa land responsible for the first translation of Shakespeare 's Julius Caesar into kiSwahili ) , left himself with no-one to debate with , at least until he left the presidency to be party chairman in 1985 .
11 Yet , such a house air waybill is not made available to the respective airline and does not bind either the airline responsible for the first leg of the journey ( also referred to as ‘ first airline ’ ) or subsequent airlines .
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