Example sentences of "[noun sg] [art] [noun pl] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Besides dishonesty the mens rea in s.15 is : intentionally or recklessly making the deception ( see above ) ; intention permanently to deprive ( by s.15(3) this phrase bears the same definition as in s.6 : see Chapter 13 ; an example is deceiving the victim into giving a loan ) ; and intent to obtain property .
2 Surplus ACT is , usually , in the first instance , set against deferred tax liabilities ( bearing in mind the profits restriction on set off ) .
3 I have spent quite some time considering the best format for the book and , after much deliberation , have decided to set out in bold type the precedents clause by clause interspersed with my own comments , followed , once again in bold type , by my suggested amendments to the particular parts of the precedents , where those amendments are not readily identifiable from my comments in the text .
4 Louise Hignett , a stylist from Keith Hall the Hairdressers salon in Arnold , Nottingham , cut off the damaged ends and texturised it throughout to encourage the curl and take some of the weight out of it .
5 The second reason why playing the numbers game with female and male psychologists does not work is that it involves equating women with feminists .
6 The green an isosceles triangle without a tree to it , but trees around the pub , the same kind as in Adam 's pine wood , Rufus supposed , or very like , which the licensee or the brewery had probably thought its name required .
7 For once though Town had the luck … about time to … and they made sure of victory with a well worked second goal from Andy Mutch … scoring against your old team is always sweet … even sweeter when it gives Town a favourites chance of reaching the next round of the cup …
8 The Metropolitan Police settled in the High Court the damages claim of cameraman Mr Anthony Walsh , whose spine was injured during the Wapping dispute .
9 Gay artist Philip Core died whilst fighting in court the Customs seizure of materials he had sent to his London home during a trip to America .
10 Taking the river Loire as a boundary the lands north of this reflected the Norman influence — that same influence which produced England 's Norman architecture also that of Sicily and southern Italy .
11 Even so , the unpleasantness of these duties arises less from contact with things which the police consider either literally or metaphorically unclean ( such as decomposed bodies and the ‘ dregs and scum of society ’ ) , and more from the risk the police run of displaying emotion .
12 In summer the arts festival at Buxton is a popular attraction .
13 On the other hand the Police Inspector of the district found him standing with a bunch of yellow flowers in his hand .
14 Last year the police inquiry into Suzy 's disappearance was briefly reopened when they searched a disused Army camp near Worcester .
15 The Derry republicans had organised a Release the Prisoners Committee in 1962 , but they then retired into obscurity until 1966 , when six members were arrested for taking part in an illegal Easter Rising commemoration .
16 At about the same time the aliens department of the Home Office took on extra staff and moved to Cleveland House on Thorney Street .
17 Give your partner the savings potential of SaverPlus 2001
18 Try to find from the salvage dealer the police station from which he collected the vehicle and enquire if they know its original number from their files .
19 Yeah but that forecourt watch is almost er a crimestoppers type of thing , it 's not actually a watch scheme , it 's a reward a rewards job for
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