Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] all [art] work " in BNC.

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1 The HCIMA Chief Executive , has the ultimate responsibility for all the work undertaken by the various departments .
2 If we take just one example , the social and public policy team , has therefore policy responsibility for all the work , erm , from a policy point of view , er , about the legal structure that might exist in future , er , European associations that might be created , because it matches very clearly our work on charity law , domestically .
3 When , when you left was there any sort of erm did you get a send-off or any sort of recognition of all the work you 've done or anything ?
4 In his report , the Chairman Reg Simmons thanked the retiring committee for all the work they had done .
5 Yeah , so yeah ah you 're alright so you 'll say yeah course I 'm alright , there 's no fee , so eventually I get to the point where I said look I did say there 's no fee involved but I 'd , I , that 's a bit of a lie because there is a fee for all the work I 'm er but it comes in the form of referrals , in the form of recommendation , not actual money .
6 It was a terrific grind with all the work at the College to take first place , and Greek and French to be squeezed in somehow .
7 The desire in all the work which we saw there was to extend to develop and to move ahead with new ideas to meet needs .
8 In spite of all the work done by Ludwig Prandtl and his colleagues , it was a daring step to commit the resources of the mighty Germania yards , in early 1924 , to install two metal cylinders more than 12 m tall on the elegant schooner Buckau , so soon after the idea had ignited Flettner 's imagination in 1921 .
9 The teacher tutors took responsibility for the development of all the work of the classes concerned ( fourth and fifth year ) .
10 Indeed , I pay tribute to all the work that my right hon. Friend has done throughout the year with regard to events in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union .
11 We 're passed that now we 're trying to give people more direction , get them involved er this is the first year we 've able to do it in a sense , properly cos it 's been the first year , with all due respect to all the work you 've done in the past , we 've got five year tutors .
12 I take this opportunity to pay tribute to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for all the work that he has done in the past two and a half years to improve the future and administration of Northern Ireland .
13 The club exists as a reinforcement for all the work already being done by the RFU youth development team , the counties , the rugby clubs and schools .
14 But if we demand to be paid for it , if we demand Wages for Housework from the State , we are saying first of all that housework is work … we are saying that we women need money of our own — if we were n't forced to depend on men for money , we would n't have to put their needs before ours , to service them sexually , physically , emotionally … we say TO BRING UP CHILDREN IS WORK and we want a WAGE for all the work we do — whether cleaning offices OR homes , producing electrical parts OR babies .
15 I 'm sure the Hague Linker needed a new needle after all the work it had done .
16 Together with some other Christian communities , we had bought some land outside the city and some 300 families went to live and farm there , It was called " El Paraiso " and was organized as a co-operative with all the work and profits shared , It was my idea of a truly authentic community .
17 The estimated cost of all the work was £10085 and the actual cost £12000 .
18 They had decided that they would save a lot of money doing their own purchasing and importing , and Christina wanted to make her own contribution to all the work on the hotel .
19 But he soon realized that he was leaving himself too little time for all the work he had to complete , and a regular routine of three days in London ( generally from Tuesday to Thursday ) and four days at Shamley Green was established instead .
20 There should have been plenty of time for all the work we planned , but what with all the delays of getting the assay going in an unfamiliar lab , as well as making a quick canter round a dozen or so Australian campuses to give seminars , it was n't until almost the last few days of my visit , during a long car journey through the outback to attend a biochemistry congress at Brisbane , that I managed to decode and assemble all the data .
21 ‘ I think that is a just reward for all the work which has been carried out , especially over the last two years .
22 It must be a headache with all the work involved .
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