Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Both had begun the war as conscientious objectors , Vaughan ending it as an Orderly Room clerk for the Army in a prisoner-of-war camp in Yorkshire .
2 The " offer of amends " would be a valuable protection for the media in cases of unintentional defamation , were it not encumbered by what the Faulks Committee described as " expensive rigmarole " — a procedure which requires the swearing of a detailed affidavit about how the confusion arose , which must be served at the same time as the offer of amends .
3 Six days after the killings , Laing was seen digging a deep grave for the bodies in his girlfriend 's garden in the pouring rain , using a pickaxe and shovel , said Mr Stuart Moore .
4 In what follows an attempt will be made to set down the main features of polymer viscoelasticity to enable the connections between the phenomenological and the molecular to be stated , where they are known , in preparation for the discussion in Chap .
5 In what follows an attempt will be made to set down the main features of polymer viscoelasticity to enable the connections between the phenomenological and the molecular to be states , where they are known , in preparation for the discussion in Chap .
6 Of necessity , he followed a twisting route through the trees in order to avoid patches of thick underbrush , all the while making sure he never strayed too far from the guiding line of the perimeter fence on his left .
7 Whig lawyers , such as Treby and Somers , served as counsel for the defence in the bishops ' trial , a curious development considering the mutual antipathy between bishops and Whigs during the Exclusion Crisis .
8 ‘ The attendance ’ , said counsel for the defendant in Hunt v. Broome , ‘ is for the purpose of peacefully persuading a man not to work so the attendance must be in a position where the persuasion can be carried out ; otherwise its purpose is frustrated …
9 The Webbs , in particular , placed their faith for the future in the efficient re-engineering of society by ‘ unassuming experts ’ .
10 The apparent failure of the English to contain the Irish reveals a great deal of weakness about the English in Spenser 's eyes .
11 Write down further examples of where you yourself are aware of episodes of caretaking for the addict in your life in order to diminish the damaging consequences of his or her addictive disease and give " just one more chance " for him or her to get straight .
12 Hankin said of the young midfielder , who can also play in defence : ‘ It is a big opportunity for the lad in front of a crowd of 13,000 or 14,000 .
13 Perhaps , like Meredith Jones , Lloyd 's natural interest and generosity were spurred on both by the obvious scarcity of opportunity for the children in that industrial beehive and by the war which had just broken out .
14 She tells of the struggle between the administrators in Washington and the scientists in the laboratories .
15 East of Tromsø , the ‘ capital ’ of Arctic Norway , is Lyngen , a superb area of jagged peaks that is near paradise for the climber in winter .
16 A planning grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities in 1984 allowed us to assemble a group of consultants and an architect to consider integrating these elements .
17 The National Endowment for the Arts in the United States has been under heavy fire for its choices , as is usual for Ministries , whether in nineteenth-century France or the present-day USSR .
18 There may well have been planning permission for the activities in question in those cases .
19 The Regional Council refused planning permission for the development in November of last year , and among the reasons for refusal was the lack of justification for the commercial development , and the harm that would be caused to this particular part of the Green Belt .
20 A council has been asked to give permission for the development in return for money for recreational facilities .
21 ‘ If , ’ he says , ‘ the city council grants full planning permission for The Galleries in the next few weeks , it will not simply be shooting itself in the foot but blowing off its entire leg . ’
22 The Department of Transport finally granted permission for the scheme in February following over ten years of lobbying of Southwark Council by JS .
23 In ‘ Pride and Prejudice ’ it is essential for a suitor to request permission for the hand in marriage of the women he has chosen .
24 The board to which an application is to be made is the board for the area in which the premises with which the application is concerned are situated ( subs .
25 BACK IN THE COURTroom , David Calvert-Smith opens the case for the Crown in front of Judge Lowry .
26 Make the case for the park in historical and aesthetic terms as strongly , publicly and early as you can .
27 However , there was also a considerable consensus from the non-arts staff of LEAs and colleges that arts teachers were not helping the advancement of the case for the arts in a number of ways .
28 The Milan Congress gave impetus to those who favoured the Pure Oral method to agitate for the inclusion of education of the deaf in the proposed Royal Commission that was to be formed to look at educational provision for the blind in Britain , on the grounds that the Education Acts of the 1870s had ignored educational provision for the deaf and dumb .
29 The other was a £310,000 provision for the diminution in market value of an undisclosed investment .
30 If the term of the new lease is to exceed , say , five years , the draftsman should make provision for the inclusion in the new lease of machinery for reviewing the rent .
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