Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] just the same " in BNC.

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1 Ven was leaving his room at just the same time , and , ‘ Hello , ’ she offered in a friendly , bright way , and was stabbed at by fingers of conscience all the way down in the lift .
2 It is equally true to say that the advent of the impending change has caused the behaviour in just the same way as an itch causes a scratch .
3 Since many of my paintings feature horses these days , I feel I really need this knowledge in just the same way that being familiar with human anatomy is essential to really understanding figure drawing .
4 Since many of my paintings feature horses these days , I feel I really need this knowledge in just the same way that being familiar with human anatomy is essential to really understanding figure drawing .
5 However , there is a distinct intensional structure underlying them ( again , the underlining is purely to indicate which P we are interested in , and is not part of our notational system ) : ( 47 ) That is , users of English interpret the relation between the property of the adjective and the word or phrase which instantiates the preceding entity in just the same way as they would interpret the relation between a predicative adjective and the subject in an explicit clause ; it therefore seems reasonable to call adjectives so used clausal adjectives .
6 I felt a touch of the sinister that rules so many of the islands ; there was no reason to shiver in that warm spot , but I did , and experienced a slight sense of embarrassment , as though I had been intruding , thinking perhaps not of Tiare but of the great love all those years ago which had produced her : forty years ago when the water was cascading over the same cliff in just the same way as it had today , Princess Tiare 's mother and her lover had bathed in the same secret pool and later , perhaps , made love in the cave behind .
7 Read the slope of the bank in just the same way as you would with a long putt , and the results can often be very accurate .
8 ‘ Success breeds success ’ goes the saying in just the same way that behaviour breeds behaviour .
9 It is true that the cost to the Exchequer is below average because no benefits are paid ( though there is still a loss of potential taxation ) , but the unemployed may suffer from lack of income , boredom and depression in just the same way as the counted unemployed ; furthermore , since they are capable and available for work , they represent a loss of potential output .
10 Water in fine-grained materials with small pores experiences a greater capillary suction in just the same way that the height to which water rises in a capillary tube increases as the diameter of the tube decreases .
11 We need to define that role and monitor the progress of projects from the user perspective in just the same way as we do from the supplier perspective .
12 There his reception of the ‘ one Spirit ’ convinces Peter , the orthodox Jew , that Cornelius , the Gentile soldier , has been accepted by God into his family on just the same basis as the original disciples .
13 It was no accident that Baldwin VII of Flanders moved to a new repressive interpretation of comital justice at just the same time as he claimed the superior advocacy over all ecclesiastical houses in Flanders .
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