Example sentences of "[noun sg] [art] [adj] [noun pl] or " in BNC.

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1 In fact , no calculations were published which attempted to measure the precise costs or specify the benefits to be derived from an ageing population .
2 The rate of accumulation in those branches most closely tied to investment ( machinery , metals , construction ) reached 25–35 per cent per year , implying a doubling of the capital stock every three years or less .
3 As there is , mathematically , simply a series of three-dimensional lines and curves assembled to rep no intervening surfaces or solids behind which lines can hide .
4 As it moves towards Perihelion on December 27 , 45m km from the Sun and 140m from the Earth , it is doubling in brightness every four days or so .
5 As it moves towards Perihelion on December 27 , 45m km from the Sun and 140m from the Earth , it is doubling in brightness every four days or so .
6 Mr McWhirter 's methods meant that some — any — excuse had to be found to interrupt his recital every ten minutes or so .
7 This should be minimal and in a well-designed unit all you should have to do is replace the tube every six months or so , if used continuously .
8 For the first few days , Dawn would pull at the jesses with her beak every ten minutes or so .
9 How about a steering committee meeting every three months or so ?
10 Where the court has made an order for the public examination of the bankrupt ( under s 290 ) or has issued a summons to appear under s 366 , the court may also order an Inland Revenue official , on the application of the official receiver or trustee , to produce to the court the relevant accounts or assessments submitted to the Inland Revenue ( s 369 ) .
11 In the structure of water the basic components or molecules exist in a free flowing state loosely bound together by forces of mutual attraction .
12 It was a house I 'd passed by twice a day a hundred times or more .
13 And then after that I 'd be drinking like a pint every twenty minutes or so .
14 In countries with a written constitution the ordinary courts or a constitutional court will have jurisdiction to determine whether the acts of the legislature are constitutional .
15 A search is now under way to find a medium with a reliably long shelf-life , because even if our present-day sound recordings last for a full century ( which is doubtful ) , our successors will have to copy the whole collection every hundred years or so .
16 Most of these were ‘ coppiced ’ — cut to the ground every 20 years or so and then allowed to regenerate .
17 Pascoe had obtained the number from directory enquiries and listened to her answerphone message a dozen times or more .
18 Furthermore the referee , Colin Hawke , from New Zealand , ruined the game as a spectacle by blasting away in the whistle almost non-stop , awarding a penalty or a free-kick every two minutes or so , mostly against Scotland .
19 No place to stay for any time , but food every ten miles or fifteen or twenty .
20 Zen had watched this cycle a dozen times or more when he felt a touch on his shoulder and turned to find Gilberto grinning up at him .
21 Very slowly , she began to go down the stairs , step by step , wincing every time one creaked and glancing over her shoulder every ten seconds or so .
22 Now some of you , if you 've only been with the company a few months or whatever it was , may not have noticed too much of a change , er , but I 've noticed a bit of a ch , I 've noticed a tremendous change in two and half months , two and a half years , and there 's some people in the room who must have noticed tremendous changes .
23 Since cultures tend to go sour after about two or three weeks when they are best thrown out , it is best to start a new culture every ten days or so .
24 Lack of sleep , if the baby is demanding to be feed every two hours or so day and night , can be hell if it goes on for long .
25 ‘ You 're not seriously going to tell me that a relationship like that just ends , when the guy still meets your mother every few weeks or so ? ’
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