Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] a [num] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Cassius Clay Sr 's stained and yellowed registration card for a 1972 Cadillac is propped between salt and pepper shakers .
2 A script for a 1942 BBC broadcast went for £500 , the Air Ministry design certificate for Lancaster prototype BT308 fetched £3,100 , a signed menu from the Dam Busters celebratory dinner on June 22 , 1943 realised £2,900 and an early sketch and calculations by Chadwick for the Avro Vulcan , together with his slide rule and desk-set was sold for £6,100 with most of the Chadwick collection going to a telephone bidder .
3 THOUGH it has been more than 30 years since Jim Chilchutt last cut a rug at a high-school dance , he recaptures his lost youth every weekend , cruising the streets of Ventura behind the wheel of a 1948 Studebaker .
4 He has converted the hopper of a 1970 Grumman Ag-Cat , of all things , into a two-abreast cockpit in which couples can enjoy the Wakatipu scenery sitting side-by-side together .
5 Wearing 175/60 Continental tyres , it has nothing like the grip of a 205 GTi , nor does it have the Peugeot 's steering feel .
6 Jack recently told us the plot of a 1951 Jane Wyman movie called The Blue Veil and we both broke down sobbing at the same point of the story and sobbed for minutes .
7 Today , Orpington , home of a thousand Fleet Street sub-editors , is represented for the Conservatives by John Horam .
8 As we stepped through the portal , we left the late Mughal haveli behind and entered a very different world : inside we were confronted by a gleaming pink boudoir that could have been the dressing-room of a 1950s Hollywood film star .
9 However , a preliminary meeting to set an agenda for a 15 March peace conference began yesterday and was to resume today .
10 On the whole , considering the close contact of a hundred Macleans and three hundred Campbells each itching to do down the others , politely of course , the week 's visit went off quietly .
11 A BRIEF word for this welcome reissue of a 1955 Ingmar Bergman classic which stars Ulla Jacobsson , Eva Dahl-Beck , Harriet Anderson , Margit Carlquist and Jarl Kulle as a series of mismatched couples struggling to sort out their troubles .
12 I 've got a ‘ 74 reissue of a 1955 Les Paul Special and a white SG Custom with 3 pickups , which is beautiful .
13 Instead we have to make do with such things as the Philips reissue of a 1982 Shostakovich Eighth , recorded at the wrong pitch ( 6/89 ) , and a five-disc Olympia compilation whose artistic quality is decidedly mixed ( 8/88 ) .
14 The 50th anniversary of the death of the crew of a 50 Sqn Hampden was marked with a Service of Remembrance for the four who died and the dedication of a granite marker at the crash site .
15 The vessel was carrying one million litres ( more than a quarter of a million US gallons ) of oil , diesel , jet fuel , and compressed gas .
16 From my understanding , more than a quarter of a million TM practitioners in England are in ignorance , currently invoking heathen deities twice a day , and the majority do not even know it !
17 Two years after the opening of a 769 Washington Street , Brookline , came a second house , and in spring 1987 the third was opened .
18 Then on our last morning , on the banks of the Chobe river , we were surrounded by a herd of a thousand Cape buffalo .
19 TROY AIKMAN threw for three touchdowns as the Dallas Cowboys wrapped up the NFC East title with a 41-17 NFL rout of the Atlanta Falcons .
20 The president said Russia 's 150 million people must be allowed to have their say in a 25 April vote of confidence in the presidency and referendum on a new constitution .
21 In February unknown gunmen killed Col. ( retd ) Rifat Ugurlutan , allegedly for his involvement in the activities of the security services , while on March 10 a police officer was assassinated in Istanbul by members of Dev Sol allegedly for his part in a 1989 May Day shooting incident [ p. 36668 ] .
22 The manufacturer does not provide a recommended retail price , so I shopped around and found that the going rate for a 55 US gallon model was around £89 .
23 Carrying on with this tradition , Geoff is the proud owner of a 1960 Armstrong Siddeley Star Sapphire saloon car , which he keeps at his home in Brinklow , Warwickshire .
24 Another enthusiast taking part will be Mr Alan Shepherd , aged 53 , the owner of a 1960 Leyland Atlantean bus , one of the first double deckers powered by a rear engine .
25 I am the proud owner of a 1988 Land Rover 2.5 Turbo Diesel .
26 A rapid turnaround in fortunes has meant that at least 100 jobs are on offer from a dozen Hawick companies facing a skills shortage .
27 The two sessions were a mixture of going through tapes and other materials , editing and adapting these for a thirty-minute radio programme , watching a documentary of a 1944 Lancaster raid on Germany and reflecting on the project as a whole .
28 The Security Council on Nov. 25 authorized the dispatch of a dozen UN monitors to Macedonia to assess the situation there .
29 More importantly , the ending escapes the cliché in countless films of a marriage being halted in the nick of time although it most resembles the climax of a 1928 Harold Lloyd comedy , Speedy .
30 A couple of years ago he made Local Stigmatic , a version of a 1956 Heathcote Williams play that has had no official theatre release .
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