Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] first " in BNC.

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1 It is the normal practice for the Treasury first to make an estimation of economic growth , inflation , public expenditure , and revenue receipts on the basis of unchanged fiscal policies .
2 I 'm going to shape the right side of the neck first , so I 'll be knitting over needles 0 to 60 on the right of the machine .
3 Barely managing to hold her breath for the extra few seconds , she hauled herself to the other side of the object first , before surfacing .
4 There is , however , one general rule which uses the wind bend principle : when sailing upwind head for the shoreline side of the beat first .
5 At this point , technique becomes personal preference : you can either make the cut in the stock first and then prepare the bud for insertion , or prepare the bud , put it into your mouth ( handle protruding ) to keep the cut surface wet , make the stock cut and slip the bud in straight away .
6 The organisers of the courses , which have been run in 60 villages across 20 counties , often find they have to overcome opposition within the village first .
7 Liz Macdonald from Gloucester helped sail the Nuclear Electric boat over the line first in Tasmania at the end of the second leg of the British Steel Challenge … she was at sea for 48 days … 22 hours … and 26 minutes
8 Now what to you want to know who recorded Rock Around the Clock first where 's Jerry Lee Lewis is tonight ?
9 Yates 's lawyer , Philippe Grollet , said the rider , from Forest Row , Sussex , tested positive for nostestosteron , a proscribed muscle-building substance , after the first part of the split first stage of the tour on 9 August .
10 Erm because the report is er quite a long report mainly the er part of the report erm I will pick out the most important comments and if I could take the first part of the report first erm this concerns a new staffing structure between er , newly emerged welfare rights and advice service .
11 The first real jewel in the crown of the empire came in the mid-Seventies with the building of the 72-storey First Canadian Place , where the Reichmanns have their world headquarters .
12 The closer to AD ( which lies on the stable manifold of the origin ) a trajectory starts , the closer to one of the points R or L it will return ; R is the point where the right-hand branch of the unstable manifold of the origin first strikes the top face of B , and L is the equivalent point for the left-hand branch .
13 Exploitation of the region first depleted it of fur seals and whales ; now the same fate threatens fish and krill .
14 ‘ It was important that I moved on to a bigger stage , with a club in the top bracket of the English First Division , or Celtic and Rangers . ’
15 Summers was quoted in national newspapers as saying : ‘ If Sugar thinks we are a run of the mill first division club , he is in for a big shock .
16 The timetable for negotiations would include approval of the agreement first by the republican parliaments and then by the Federal Assembly by the beginning of December .
17 A completely revised and updated edition of the publication first issued in 1984 .
18 This is the 11th edition of the book first published in 1953 and has retained the same structure as the original .
19 If you 're going to strip a house anyway why do a neat job on the lock first ?
20 The defendants had previously sent the shop manager a letter instructing him that these shoes were not to leave the shop without the label first being removed .
21 Sotheby 's then heard from Michael Hebecker , Director of Schlossmuseum Gotha , informing them that , while the auction house had behaved fairly and correctly in offering the picture to the museum first , the permission to sell the Wtewael had been granted in his absence and with neither his knowledge nor consent , and asking them if the picture could be withdrawn for the time being .
22 Meanwhile , Frenchman Jean-Pierre Papin scored twice as the AC Milan machine rolled mercilessly over lowly first division newcomers Ancona on Sunday , winning 2-0 to go six points clear at the top of the Italian first division .
23 She would fall and make him drag her the rest of the way first .
24 Naturally , he 'll have to argue with the rest of the band first .
25 German Ambassador Herman von Richtofen — a nephew of the German First World War air hero the Red Baron — was called to the Foreign Office for a ‘ carpeting ’ .
26 Syria is hinting that it may refuse to attend further talks unless it is promised the whole of the Golan first .
27 Jaynes attributed the transfer to an increase in the distinctiveness of the cues , an increase that was directly dependent on the magnitude of the response first learned to them .
28 Then we can have a drink in the bar first . ’
29 The position may , however , be resolved in another way by allowing individuals the right to opt out , rather than requiring the relevant organisation to obtain specific permission from the person on the list first .
30 ‘ A soak in the tub first , maybe , and then let's hit the town , OK ? ’
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