Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the [adj] world " in BNC.

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1 What better protection for the rich world 's vanishing wildlife than a tract of land that stays untouched because people are frightened to visit ?
2 Subsequently , polythene played an important part in radar during the Second World War .
3 THE DEATH of Harry Boot on 8 February at the age of 65 removes a distinguished figure from those who contributed in an outstanding way to the successful application of British science to radar during the Second World War .
4 There is a unity about the fictional world of Lawrence Durrell , but , to this reader at any rate , a meretricious one .
5 Many farmers still retained some milk for cheesemaking but regulations on the production and use of milk during the Second World War almost brought farmhouse production to a halt and it has never been resumed on an appreciable scale .
6 The real crime of the USSR is to have spoiled an opportunity for the whole world , they have so discredited socialism . ’
7 Unknown to many of his colleagues , Karl had a remarkable experience during the second world war as a member of the Polish Resistance in his native France .
8 So she rehearsed the triumphs and achievements of the Thatcher Revolution and laid lavish claim to having lit in Britain the torch of freedom for the whole world .
9 These dates have now become a bone of contention in Hong Kong as rugby administrators in the British territory have belatedly realised — even though they are not admitting it — that the Japanese have outsmarted them and gained a precious advantage for the next World Cup .
10 An Irish Catholic , raised in New York , he had been a gung-ho member of the OSS during the second world war .
11 It is thought that the Italian connection relates to the old farm being used to hold Italian prisoners of war captive during the Second World War .
12 Robert Vidalin , a voice of resistance during the second world war , in Paris aged 86 .
13 Born in 1925 of a Ukrainian immigrant father , Bérégovoy was largely self-taught and fought in the resistance during the Second World War .
15 Understanding this modernity is the prerequisite , the necessary intelligence work if you will , of our struggle for the modern world .
16 In spite of these absences and the decline of country house building during the First World War , the Twenties saw a steady stream of commissioned work from the Lutyens drawing board .
17 They were thinking , like Berbizier , of building for the 1995 World Cup , but now they realise that confidence comes from getting your senior players right and winning each game as it comes along .
18 As one who has shared a platform with Chris Baines and been in audiences when his oratory and enthusiasm for the natural world have captivated those present , I am reluctantly prompted to write to correct his distorted and unfair portrayal of the fee-basis and motivation of landscape architects ( The Baines Report , November ) .
19 Weiss reportedly cast doubts in comments to the daily Neue A-Z on Oct. 10 on the existence during the Second World War of gas chambers for the extermination of Jews .
20 In their treatment of this theme both Cassirer and Hallowell point out that the crucial link between the inner world of representation and the outer ‘ reality ’ lies in the human capacity to symbolize percepts ; symbolization of events in the perceptual continuum provides the units for a pictorial logic from which the abstraction of grammar eventually emerged as a concomitant of sound production in the development of verbal communication .
21 It is not easy for twentieth-century children to see any profound link between the real world and the mantra described as " magic syllables " and the action of the priest in " bringing the goddess to life " .
22 My quizzing about the intellectual world which I was about to enter with some trepidation left him with a wry smile , which puzzled me for some time after , as my naïvety about the world of further education lasted well into my early days in college .
23 Soviet support for the Arab world , however , proved weaker than America 's for Israel for several reasons .
24 A Marine during the Second World War , Jones was cited at Iwo Jima .
25 Without that vision , you can guarantee that every single environmental and animal welfare organisation will be bought off and co-opted by a system that does not care a jot about the natural world and its creatures .
26 His all-around ability makes him undoubtedly the favourite for the overall world cup if he can once more conquer his inhibitions at high speed in downhill .
27 It might be possible to approach the problem from another angle : specifically to direct our attention to intentional social behaviour in relation to the outside world , to look at the ways that people cope , deal and come to terms with the non-routine , the out-of-the-ordinary , to document the character of the dynamic between the familiar world and the external processes typical of people in different groups , categories , communities and societies .
28 The Nazi Party of Germany used its powerful pattern to full advantage during the Second World War .
29 I have a very clear recollection of Nigel de Grey , sometime Lieutenant-Commander in the Naval Intelligence Division during the First World War , giving us a lecture on security which was psychologically scarifying , as indeed it was meant to be .
30 The German state prosecutor 's office announced on April 8 that tests conducted on the bones of a man who died in Brazil in 1979 confirmed that the body ( discovered in 1985 — see p. 33759 ) was that of Josef Mengele , the so-called " Angel of Death " held responsible for the deaths of 400,000 prisoners at the Auschwitz concentration camp during the Second World War .
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