Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] that first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Queen Mother was always my favourite after that first invitation to play before her , ’ he said .
2 In the gap between that first Hayward retrospective and the current show of paintings from the last decade , Riley has had significant exhibitions in many countries , including two major touring shows .
3 God knows , she needed it , considering her obvious distress after that first night .
4 The result of that first year ?
5 The most important engagement of that first campaign was the fiercely contested battle at Freiburg against Bavarian forces .
6 In a further echo of that first contract with Island , Branson bought the New York house of Island 's managing director Chris Blackwell — a charming brownstone on Perry Street , in Greenwich Village — to use as offices .
7 So how many pence would you pay for a gram on that first bar ?
8 I was obliged during the course of that first morning to go constantly in and out of the room , and so was unable to follow the proceedings at all fully .
9 The primrose and violet of that first upfling in the estuary —
10 A levels only happen when the most , a month , more from school and then they have study leave as you are , now erm when you consider the , the year since September has gone very , very quickly , those who have done very little work in that first year , year twelve , will find that been packed in there and that first year in the sixth is just like your year ten ought to have been , perhaps , one or two of you are are realizing
11 He had told him of the English girl on that first day when he had asked for the loan of the flat and permission for Constance to telephone from his palazzo .
12 With all my heart I hope for the failure of that first book — no , volume , of mine , from beginning to end not trash , but heartless pretence .
13 Below : The joy of that first flight with a self-made kite is a treasured memory .
14 Well not the least interesting moment in that first half was that peculiar back pass and the free kwick kick which followed it and we 'll come to that in a moment .
15 It is a far cry from that first press report in 1905 …
16 But then the wind was horrendous at Dublin : the ships in Dublin Bay were bobbing about like corks , and the last man to equal par on that first day had gone out at 11.30 AM .
17 If she looked at her father with tolerance on that first night it was because his flattering of Giovanna had resulted in the table being elaborately laid on the terrace , fresh candles put in the brass candlesticks , and flowers in a big green and white pottery jug set in the centre of the table .
18 The American Quartet also supplied a direct link with that first concert in 1972 in which it was part of the programme .
19 Even the weather collaborated on the day of that first FAMILY procession .
20 They had wanted each other from that first night , and now , in this dimly lit room , with Nicolo 's mouth on hers , with his hands on her breasts , she had finally run out of lies and excuses , not just for him but for herself .
21 Following the graduation ceremonies and Convocation Ball on that first Friday of May , 1929 , my father and I drove back from Saskatoon to Moose Jaw on Saturday .
22 I half slept , then woke as we sped by the rest house where we had stopped for juice on that first visit to Al Ain .
23 The morning after that first night they bathed together , laughing at their own bodies and the world .
24 The week of that first production of Luxembourg , Karl had been absolutely beastly to her — really hurtful about her performance as Juliette which , as she was desperately saving her voice for the other productions , she tended to talk her way through .
25 The international flavour of that first prize-giving ceremony in 1989 was instantly established when the winners included General Motors , Toyota and Honda .
26 It 's like feeling the car move to your bidding on that first driving lesson — thrilling , potentially dangerous and powerful .
27 Such was the popularity of film and such was the reforming zeal of that first decade or so of the twentieth century that there must have been every possibility that other agencies would take up the chance of producing , distributing , and exhibiting films in their own halls .
28 With the success of that first book , the Newsons were able to obtain funds for follow-up studies , but had by then lost contact with many of their original sample .
29 ‘ I still have a nagging disappointment and frustration from that first leg but I still believe we have a big chance .
30 Having Goldberg in the room with it , as he has been in my life since that first day at college , made me grasp clearly , for the first time , just what it is I have been after , he wrote .
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