Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] time when " in BNC.

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1 I was practising this the other day , in preparation for the time when my climbing standard drops slightly , and was surprised to read some interesting facts about myself .
2 Careful explanations at this time could give them at least an inkling of the importance of the game , and some measure of preparation for the time when it will be no game , but a reality of great promise .
3 In addition , a " Special Period in Times of Peace " plan had already been put into effect to cope with dwindling supplies from the Soviet Union and eastern Europe , and an " Option Zero " of extreme economic cutbacks and food rationing was in preparation for the time when Soviet oil shipments finally ceased .
4 Few things are as instantly heart-stopping to a computer user as the time when his machine starts to behave erratically .
5 I 'm reminded of the story about the time when a British Rail advertising contract was up for grabs .
6 All of the references given above come from what is called the Priestly strand ( ‘ P ’ ) and as such they are to be dated to around the time of the Jews ' exile to Babylon in the sixth century BC — that is , according to the still widely accepted dating of this biblical strand within the source-critical school of thought ( though it must also be said that my own arguments as developed in this essay and elsewhere independently point to the exile as the time when these blood concerns and rituals would first have emerged ) .
7 ‘ There was a lot of talk about the time when she and Kate — ’
8 It has also been suggested that the field is a remnant of a time when Mercury had suffered less tidal slowing of its axial spin , at which time the core was molten , Mercury having cooled less than today .
9 These shared residential houses for single elderly persons provide an important new welfare resource for the Association at a time when increasing numbers of those who served in World War II , and their dependents , are reaching an age when they need the support of a housekeeper .
10 The game at Rangers ' ground could begin to dominate Shearer 's thinking at a time when the only other striker available to Roxburgh , Hearts ' John Robertson , is carrying an injury from Saturday 's win over Falkirk .
11 The legislative changes have given this a further momentum at a time when , says Mr Harrison , ‘ there is a greater awareness among fund managers that this is a growing sector ’ .
12 He and Mother must have thought a great deal of the place to go to that expense at a time when money was so short .
13 However , all these initiatives require heavy investment at a time when economies are squeezed by foreign debt repayments .
14 It amounted , they said , to a total alteration of the law of the land and the establishment of a permanent act of insolvency at a time when trade was embarrassed and credit had sunk to its lowest ebb .
15 The court has before it two appeals which raise the same point of law , that is to say , can a child who is born alive , but suffering from disabilities occasioned by negligence on the part of the proposed defendant at a time when the child was en ventre sa mère and unborn , maintain an action for damages for negligence against the defendant .
16 The character of the rocks , and their setting in the past geography at the time when they accumulated , diagnoses the climatic setting in which the extinct fauna lived , and climate imposes certain restraints on possible modes of life .
17 They had also made their social entrance at a time when television — so often blamed as another demoralising force — was only a minority pursuit in Britain , with no more than two million viewing licences in 1953 ; and when the commercial TV channel , which was most commonly alleged to be lowering standards , had not even been created .
18 Many factors will influence the timing of the offer including the following : ( 1 ) The offeror will not wish to announce a contested bid at a time when the target company is about to announce record results or a greatly increased dividend ; research on this possibility will be required .
19 The aggressive marketing of seats to foreign cosmonauts on short duration Soyuz flights to the Mir space station in order to recoup some of the costs [ see pp. 37437 ; 37932 ; 38219 ] was also unpopular among many officials involved in the space programme ; they felt that it devalued the space programme at a time when the Zenit and Energia super boosters remained grounded with technical problems [ see p. 37797 ] and the first manned mission of the Soviet Buran shuttle had been postponed , at least to 1993 .
20 International Military Services , the British Government 's arms sales company , went ahead with a construction consultancy in the face of Foreign Office opposition at a time when exports of defence-related equipment to Iraq were banned .
21 Over the years , as a young detective he had lost weight at a time when a lot of men put it on , and now looked thin and wiry , reproducing in himself , as he half knew , the family look .
22 Hobhouse concerned himself directly with the evolution of mind at a time when the behaviourist dogma had not yet arrived to inhibit such a discussion .
23 So all that was really achieved then was Rachel 's temporary peace of mind at a time when she was n't well .
24 Mr Justice Vinelott , allowing the inspector 's appeal , said that the question of uncertainty in relation to s 247(8) could not be determined by reference to the inspector 's state of mind at the time when the assessment was made .
25 Are the Government trying to ruin our industry at a time when 18 per cent .
26 The fact that Barilli has recently shown a keen awareness of contemporary art trends may help his candidacy at a time when the Biennale has reaffirmed its commitment to the documentation of contemporary art .
27 Women are much less likely to read science subjects than men ( Wilkin , 1982 ) , and this is a severe disadvantage at a time when government is determined to push teaching and research resources into sciences while simultaneously cutting back severely in the social sciences and the humanities .
28 Witches were also accused of using herbs to ease the pain of labour at a time when the Church held that pain in childbirth was the Lord 's punishment for Eve 's original sin .
29 By concentrating on the practical implications of new ideas this book should help to promote positive strategies for welcoming nurses and health visitors back to practice at a time when their skills are needed and sought after as never before in the profession 's long and distinguished history .
30 Frequently , senior executives are offered a termination package deal at the time when they are first told that it is likely or unavoidable that their job will come to an end .
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