Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even then , there is a good case for bringing it before a court so that each side is heard and specific boundaries are laid down .
2 It follows that we see no case for placing it on the semi-statutory footing proposed by the select committee .
3 Cunnilingus is a marginal case but since it involves genital contact and may involve a form of penetration , there is a case for placing it within the more serious category .
4 Indeed , if it is possible to talk of a Keynesian revolution in economic policy , then there is a strong case for placing it in the early 1950s rather than around 1947 .
5 ‘ For these reasons I think there is a fairly strong case for marketing it as a health product but it will also probably be considered a luxury , ’ Mrs Rowan added .
6 That is when the strength of his emerging side , and England 's case for making it to the 1994 World Cup finals , will be truly tested .
7 They they do n't want any further payment for doing it on our behalf do they ?
8 When , turning , he reached the part about finding it behind the standing stone , he revealed the gleaming decoration .
9 She was telling a story about buying it in Sunningdale before she first came to France , because there was a rumour that one could not buy decent tea the other side of the English Channel .
10 It is easier to reformat text after typing it in ( rather than before ) until you have had some practice .
11 The novice to word processing might find it easier to reformat text after typing it in than before .
12 mm , Sheila 's thinking about doing it with me as well
13 A sense of inner worth , and the talent for reflecting it in outer forms and appearances .
14 Her virtuosity with language is not in doubt ( and all credit to her translator for rendering it with such vitality ) .
15 Thieves made off with the gear after spotting it outside Peter Mountain 's flat in Victor Street , York .
16 By February he was at least considering a retirement condition , though still sceptical about its effect on unemployment , and commissioned a paper on the feasibility of enforcing it from the Ministry of Labour 's representative on the Committee , P.Y. Blundun .
17 Trials for the signalling system have been accelerated as BR examines the feasibility of introducing it on the entire 11,000-mile network .
18 Any response which is offered as a result of reading it in a work of literary criticism would be unacceptable .
19 The first , noted by Labov with respect to the Philadelphia neighbourhood studies , is that however good the data there is no way in the absence of a supplementary broader study of locating it in a wider sociolinguistic context .
20 If you have n't done that yet do it now because the practice of writing it of actually copying it down is important .
21 The kitchen window was still open and I climbed in after crushing another handful of lavender with the intention of taking it to bed with me for an invigorating sleep , if such a thing is possible .
22 My life is here , and I have no intention of sharing it with you , not if you offered me an Empire , let alone a castle in Scotland and the fortune of a man whom I despised and who I warned you would treat you badly .
23 Having created the luxury 4 × 4 niche , it has no intention of relinquishing it to recent pretenders in the form of the revised Shogun , G-Wagen and Land Cruiser .
24 Whole-tone harmony is part of many harmonic systems , is valuable in many circumstances , and is therefore worth a brief study by all composers , even if they have no intention of using it as a complete system themselves .
25 The challenges facing it were daunting : a considerable proportion of the UN was opposed to its existence ; the predominant political forces in south Korea regarded it simply as providing a veneer of international respectability for the creation of a south Korean state ; north Korea had no intention of helping it in any way and the United States believed the commission should complete its task swiftly and without asking awkward questions .
26 Now the National Gallery , London , is borrowing the picture , minus the rest of the exhibition , but with the intention of comparing it with other works by Leonardo in their collection .
27 The picture passed to her son , John Whitney Payson , who lent it to a university museum in Maine with the intention of bequeathing it to the university in return for eventual tax relief on his estate .
28 They 've got no intention of stopping it at
29 It was sensitive stuff and he had no intention of discussing it with the Bristol media .
30 Private letters are like a conversation overheard , often more revealing than an autobiography , or than a diary which may have been written with more than half an intention of allowing it to be published .
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