Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] has [been] on " in BNC.

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1 We believe that part of the reason lies in the fact that no integrated fleet management system has been on offer before and potential users are put off by having to deal with third parties , complicated billing arrangements which makes it difficult to access payback , and lack of geographical coverage .
2 University opinion has been on the side of it , and public opinion has been on the side of it .
3 For last three years the opinion survey has been on line on PROFS .
4 While human evolution has oriented around the use of hand and eye , and developed down a highly visual and linear path , the dolphin mind has been on a very different track — acoustic , non-linear and non-manipulative .
5 IT IS understood that this is the first time a former LMS type has been on the line and follows the successful hire of former GWR 2-8-0 3822 by the WSR this year .
6 However , the emphasis in LMS training has been on a whole-school approach , with governors , teachers , office staff , cleaners , caretakers , technicians , ancillary staff and LEA representatives working together for a full day in a particular school .
7 The Chinese made Groomers half inch hair brush has been on the market for eight years .
8 The Australian tobacco industry has been on the very sick list for at least the past 16 years , with adult per capita consumption falling by about one third to its present annual level of 1827 grams .
9 First , the fact that those in residential care are young people not children ; second , that the main emphasis in child care work has been on the discussion of personal family relationships and in working towards the return of children to their own families or placement with another family .
10 University opinion has been on the side of it , and public opinion has been on the side of it .
11 It is therefore timely to consider what the impact of this mandatory scheme for school self-evaluation has been on the teachers , recalling what the stated intentions were at the outset :
12 In particular , the number of stopping places available to them has been drastically reduced over a period of three or four decades during which the travelling population has been on the increase , although I have not been able to discover the measure of it .
13 This is not because language production is an unimportant aspect of language processing , but simply because almost all the research into normal adult language use has been on comprehension rather than production .
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