Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Food and Drug Administration the Food and Drug Administration condones tampering of scientific data in the pre-release trials by , we have the documentation on that , which has been a obtained under the Freedom o of Information Act .
2 How does money aid the specialization and division of labour ?
3 At postgraduate level the Bucher and Fraser Scholarships provide opportunities for further research or for advanced studies in composition or performance .
4 Paragraphs classifying as Investment Business the acquisition or disposal of shares in a body corporate ( other than an open-ended investment company ) or relating to investment advice given in connection with the acquisition or disposal of such shares do not apply if :
5 Up to the fibre saturation point the lumen or hollow part of the cell is empty of water , above the fibre saturation point virtually the whole of the additional moisture exists as loose liquid water within the lumen .
6 Hardraw is a friendly little place , particularly on the day of the annual brass-band contest when bands from all over Yorkshire and beyond come to compete against each other and the treeless side of the little valley is carpeted with supporters and spectators picnicking oil the grass and the ringing of the sounding brass echoes from the steep gillsides .
7 Solar panels on the roof heat the stairwell and pre-heat the cold water in the tanks which are situated in the lofts .
8 In inflammatory bowel disease the initial or predisposing event is unknown .
9 from , from er the European Community or European Union erm , in fact Simon is sitting out there and I think this is the chap who 've er really responsible for putting forward er , er on the County Council side the bid and er , er I think that our thanks ought to be extended .
10 But his high-tack dance programme The Hitman and Her has become a kitsch saturday night institution .
11 Gary Bennett gave the home side the lead but defensive errors allowed Robert Lee and Scott Minto to extend Charlton 's unbeaten run to seven games .
12 They were depression , an alcohol problem which included a heavy drinking bout the night before he killed himself , the disgrace he had brought on himself .
13 Even within a single testing session the magnitude or direction of asymmetry may change , perhaps due to changing strategies utilised by the subject ( Perl and Haggard , 1975 ; Kallman and Corballis , 1975 ; Sidtis and Bryden , 1978 ) .
14 They remained as they were ; in some fashion they were communing , and I could sense from my vantage point the necessity that linked them .
15 The main areas of disagreement concern the directive and , in particular , the list of categories with their value and age limits .
16 Now it was whilst I was standing out there on my own — and really feeling very , very , browned-off — that I saw an aeroplane approach the airfield and make a quiet and dignified circuit .
17 Pronto is erm an area of the store where we sell our occasional furniture and erm small priced coffee tables , hi-fi units the occasional furniture that may go erm whereas up until a couple of years ago we use to display this product around the showroom floor part of the new concept stores was that we actually set the same section in the showroom which is very much like a a shelving system whereby the stock actually sits on the shelves , the customer walks in and it 's an easy easy purchase straight off the trolley erm very much like the supermarket operation so it 's the lower priced good value occasional type furniture the cash and carry the kind of things that you do n't need sales assistants for the kind of bookcase that you would put in your children 's bedroom that kind of thing .
18 DAVID BISHOP is set to give rugby league the boot and make a sensational return to union .
19 Galicia is an area of minute holdings ; from Santander , through the Basque provinces , Navarre , and Pyrenean Aragon to Catalonia stretches a band of small proprietors enjoying relatively secure tenures ; to the south lie the medium and small cereal farms of Castile and Léon and the remnants of a once great sheep economy ; in the deep south , reaching into Estremadura and New Castile , stretch the latifundia worked by day labourers ; along the Levante coast small proprietors or tenants produce from carefully irrigated huertas specialized export crops .
20 hey tend to undertake such jobs as simple bar work portering the preparation and serving of " fast food " and washing-up .
21 Ashley was glaring at me over the candle flame the way a hawk must glare at a field mouse the instant before it parts mouse from field forever .
22 In Gregor von Rezzori 's story Troth the music-loving and very courageous Jewish girl Minka Raubitschek often has a gifted young man called Herbert von Karajan to play the piano at her parties .
23 John got the ticket in a bucket shop the day after he came back from China .
24 The issue which divided public opinion largely revolved around the ineffectiveness of the prison system and the ease with which convicts could bamboozle prison chaplains into believing that their characters had been reformed , thus securing their release on ‘ ticket-of-leave ’ , and there was little room fur the idea that the roots of crime might be found in social conditions .
25 Computer Sound Synthesis The composition and performance of music by computer , including an introduction to digital synthesis and signal processing as a compositional tool .
26 An estate agent — representing the landlord 's mortgage lender the Alliance and Leicester building society — refused to let them in to eat .
27 The beautiful underfoot carpets of blue gentium delight the eye and , above fly buzzards , eagles , skylarks and wheatears .
28 When you come to the burn , cross it by the footbridge and follow the path straight ahead which rises then falls to the road and a footbridge over the Tweed Cross the footbridge if you want to make a diversion to see either Dryburgh Abbey or Wallace 's Statue .
29 He 's obliged to do it because it is a departure a very significant departure from his own development plan the plan that he piloted through to tell people exactly what the policies of North Yorkshire County Council were to be .
30 At any speed the maximum permissible acceleration is given by the equation : For example , at the pull-out rate the motor and load torques are equal , so the pullout rate is approached with zero acceleration .
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