Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [to-vb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A total of 47 delegations from the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples ' Organization ( UNPO — see p. 38027 ) , meeting in The Hague on Aug. 6 , discussed the political crises in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union , and agreed to establish an Urgent Action Council to respond to requests from groups threatened by state violence .
2 Mr Hussain was refused entry clearance to come to England , mainly because he could not say what were his long term intentions .
3 They cleaned themselves up quickly , instructed all the others to shower again as thoroughly as possible in view of the AIDS risk , and then went into the interview room to talk to Steve 's parents .
4 The seminar , held in London in November , was a new departure in LASMO 's investor relations programme and was held to enable the investment community to get to grips with all aspects of the LNG trade — an industry which is very different from the oil and gas business in which LASMO has always been involved .
5 Much the same reasoning led to the steadfast refusal of the Unidroit Study Group to yield to pressures to extend the scope of the Convention on International Financial Leasing to cover general issues of priority of competing claims to leased equipment , though article 7 does contain provisions preserving the lessor 's real rights against the claims of the lessee 's trustee in bankruptcy and execution and other creditors .
6 The ability of each deletion polypeptide to bind to DNA ( + ) or not ( - ) in gel retardation analyses is summarized on the right hand side of panel A. B. Gel retardation experiment with the 140k DNA binding domain deletion polypeptides .
7 Syria will determine whether to accept any resettlement , or whether to continue its support of the refugee demand to return to Palestine , as a function of its own regional objectives .
8 In 1986 the landlord granted permission for the defendant company to assign to M. , the first defendant , who likewise covenanted directly with the landlord to pay the rent and observe the other covenants , and an assignment was entered into whereby the lease was assigned to M. for the residue of the term .
9 Ask local car dealer to write to car manufacturers to press for the introduction of more fuel efficient cars ?
10 This authorises the University Council to admit to Membership of Convocation persons other than those specified in Sect .
11 Paragraph seven making it clear put that an initial assessment has already established er it has already passed the preliminary assessment stage er and that er the director is undertaking the data collection procedure so that the site can be properly assessed and I do drawn er Mr attention er to that I erm have taken the opportunity during the last adjournment Chairman to speak to Mr about the appropriateness of the wording of his er er amendment and I believe that he he may wish to er move something which is slightly different er which will certainly er we 'll deal with that er if he does move that but er it clearly is the intention of this report and of the committee that when the work has been completed on the assessment of traffic calming measure in Shalford and its priority established , that we would then bring er another report er to the highways and transportation committee in response to this petition er as as indeed is set out in paragraph ten B and if Mr wished that to be brought forward through to council then that will be done but I leave to him if he wish to move an amendment to make it quite clear , since er I must say this motion is rather bland .
12 At other times they claimed that Kylie had negotiated a one million dollar contract to return to Neighbours — a story which Kylie described as wildly untrue .
13 SEC staffers are looking for a suitable test case to take to court .
14 The relative ignorance of judges and barristers about such films led the Criminal Bar Association to testify to Williams in 1978 that the deprave-and-corrupt test had outlived its usefulness , which led that Committee to recommend replacement of the criminal test by a scheme of prohibition based on physical rather than psychological harm to ( 1 ) children involved in child pornography , and ( 2 ) humans or animals involved in so-called ‘ snuff movies ’ .
15 It is too late now to ask the right hon. Gentleman what he intends to do about that , as he will lose his job over it on 9 April , but can he tell me of any other Government who have allowed their textile industry to bleed to death in that fashion without helping it ?
16 Sources say SunPics was ‘ dragged kicking and screaming ’ into the brand new Sun Microsystems Inc and Adobe Computer Systems Inc alliance , ( UX No 404 ) , orchestrated by SunSoft Inc president Ed Zander , one of the first of the Sun mafia to come to grips with the slippery notion of standards — prodded no doubt by the coming onslaught of Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT .
17 The correct way to shut the machine down is to type EXIT to return to Windows , quit Windows and then switch off the machine .
18 Throughout the post-war period , the policy has been to allow the exchange rate to adjust to costs rather than the other way round .
19 He explained that it was something like new party policy on homelessness and would involve a march into town piling up lots of boxes and collecting signatures on a Valentine type partition to give to Hugh .
20 The process to extradite him to Hong Kong commenced in May 1986 , and continued until June 1987 , when after a long hearing the Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate committed him to prison to await an order from the Home Secretary to return to Hong Kong .
21 Shipping a RISC-based AS/400 will require a 64-bit architecture — the AS/400 CPU is a 48-bit device , appropriate commercial extensions to that architecture , reliable , high-performance multiprocessors , and changes to the AS/400 operating system to migrate to RISC transparently to the user , Slack said .
22 Contestability can also be redefined in a public sector context to apply to hospital managements .
23 So that he ca n't see what 's going on , cos she thinks if he do n't see what 's going on he wo n't bark , but he cries but I mean she should n't have them there , she 's never here so she should n't have them , I mean look at the trouble Alan had to get Jessie , because they worked , but Emma goes home every lunch time to see to Jessie from the bank , but I mean the woman one of them would n't let her have a dog , one kennels , which is how it should be , but I mean this one breed those three herself so , yeah I mean if you breed dogs yourself and you have three in the house of the same breed , what the hell do you want an alsatian for , as well but the whole point is she do n't have them as enjoyment , she do n't have them as company
24 Wh what I 'd like to suggest , without going through it all again , is that perhaps we could agree to ask the Town Clerk to write to Planning Department and voice our concern at the way this matter is being handled .
25 A plan put forward by Singapore to invite the five permanent members of the UN Security Council to accede to ASEAN 's 1976 Treaty of Amity and Co-operation ( TAC ) was rejected .
26 The following example of a joint problem-solving session , discussed in greater detail elsewhere in a different context ( Hanko 1985/7 ) , illustrates both the range of issues that can arise for exploration , and the processes which can be activated in group consultation to contribute to insight and solution .
27 ‘ Now yachtsmen can visit Leningrad or Lake Saimaa and may soon be able to use the Soviet canal system to get to Murmansk or the Black Sea . ’
28 She stayed behind at the launch at London 's City Livery Company to chat to organisers and watched youngsters play a word game using the dictionary .
29 Mr Murphy had faced charges of causing an explosion and abduction , in connection with the mini-cab bombing in Whitehall last October when terrorists forced a cab driver to drive to Whitehall with a bomb on the back seat .
30 Bearing in mind the figures and the fact that French farmers regularly burn lorry loads of English lamb and Italian grapes with complete impunity and that it is not possible for an English lorry firm to go to Germany and to load up with goods to bring back to the United Kingdom , should not the European Community try to walk before it tries to run ?
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