Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Group development might also encourage peer assessment which a contractual appraisal scheme is not likely to include .
2 We had had our Christmas Communion and the Nativity play which every Christian village made up and acted on Christmas evening .
3 Ella made a violent gesture of annoyance , nearly capsizing the tea tray which the languid girl had now brought .
4 More than that , Mosley had completely out-manoeuvred Balestre in an election campaign which the great Gallic dictator had never believed he could lose .
5 I think they rather wanted me to wear my old farm clothes , but we compromised with a grey check skirt which a good friend gave me , and a blue jumper .
6 Much of this public criticism directed at practitioners , often reinforced and fuelled by the reports themselves , is that these tragedies and scandals have arisen because practitioners ‘ failed ’ , in part , because they lacked the knowledge about child abuse which a thorough grounding in the research and its findings would have given them .
7 Under the agreement Germany would provide DM500 million ( about US$295 million ) to a Polish-German Reconciliation Foundation which the Polish government would set up .
8 After each such movement , the small old woman , not stiff , but poised , erect and in good rhythm with her horse , responded with minute disposition of hand , leg or body weight which the informed eye could see reflected in the horse 's performance .
9 The poverty gap which the past decade 's economic orthodoxies have opened across the developed world has widened faster in Britain than in any other EC country .
10 And when I found out after a bit of dressing-room chat what the other lads were on I had to make a point .
11 The commercial and business orientation which the public corporation ( as distinct from Ministry ) form of management was designed to preserve , was inevitably diluted by this process , though it remained an important part of the self-image of those working in the industry .
12 New Towns would be civilized , attractive , agreeable places in which to live , with all the richness of community life which the new social order would bring .
13 Teacher-in-role starts a class improvisation as if they were a local community in the mid-west hearing what a bright future they might have if only they would abandon their homes and move west .
14 It is proposed to extend the circumstances in which the price and number of shares under the British Gas Sharesave Scheme may be adjusted to include an ‘ open offer ’ ( an offer to shareholders similar to a rights issue ) or any other variation of share capital which the Inland Revenue accepts as sufficient ground for such an adjustment and at the same time to allow for adjustments to reflect changes in the class of shares , or the rights attaching to shares , under option .
15 This has now developed to include Henley members and has become an official club fixture , the winners rewarded with the Jayemdoubleyou Cup which the late Jack Webb presented and which cup had in fact been his father 's rowing trophy !
16 Such issues as domiciliary day care , mobile day care and the day care which the voluntary sector can provide will need to be looked into .
17 The question is whether these hallowed archaisms are only a surface phenomenon which a sensible modernization of Parliament would easily sweep away , or whether they indicate a fundamental unsuitability in the traditional kind of representative institution to cope with the problems of modern democratic government .
18 Last year Matthew received treatment at a Scottish nursing home which a Hungarian team from the Peto Institute , famous for its work with handicapped children , were visiting .
19 Frankly some of us actually wanted that to be a staff for No. 10 , for the Prime Minister , rather more like today 's Policy Unit which the present Prime Minister has in No. 10 , and less a general body to serve all the Cabinet .
20 Next the Pig Husbandry Bill outlawing tethered sows was hardly touched , followed by the Badger Sett Protection Bill which the pro-hunting lobby objected to .
21 It 's a success story which a new group called the Thames Valley Partnership hopes will soon be commonplace .
22 This tale is fiction , but it shows the kind of success story which a twelfth-century Englishman could expect his audience to swallow ; and it is probably significant that he set the story in Italy , the land of merchants and wealth .
23 Ironically , these kids are doing to the Lo Life name what the real Lo Lifers themselves do to Ralph Lauren 's — using its status for their own ends .
24 A person may be unable to perform a major life activity which an average person could perform .
25 As a result , despite the potentially strong bargaining hand which the pre-war boom gave to skilled labour , workers sustained an almost unbroken record of failure in strike action .
26 The plan is to do for the food industry what the Medical Research Council 's Cell tech offshoot is doing for genetic engineering in medicine .
27 To assist the debate many local Law Societies , notably Birmingham and Manchester , have agreed with the local county court what the appropriate rate of charge should be for any particular area , for any particular year , and the courts apply those rates .
28 Yet we had skills in assessment and rehabilitation and links with the health service which the independent sector lacked . ’
29 This was to have been changed by clause 54(4) under which the benefit received was to be assessed at the arm 's length price which an ordinary member of the public would have paid for that service .
30 Lipsey appeared to have provided a theory of the determinants of money wage changes and , by integration , of the time path for the money wage rate which the economic profession found so convincing that it went virtually unchallenged for several years .
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