Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [vb past] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the same year the Church of England led the way out of a moral impasse which trapped the Catholic Church by giving birth control its blessing under the name of Family Planning .
2 If anyone were to ask me who , above all , was responsible for the moral collapse which characterised the 1960s and 1970s , I would unhesitatingly name Sir Hugh Carleton-Greene … .
3 THE furnace which powered the last bastion of North Wales 's once-mighty steel industry was last night on its way to China .
4 Completely new to me was the Skybird League , an aeromodelling association which presented an annual trophy to the winning modeller of Skybird kits between 1933 and 1940 .
5 Furthermore the Housing Association which provided the main source of funds to local Housing Associations is now in financial difficulty itself .
6 Another charge of a similar kind is that Barth was excessively concerned with ontology , with the rationale of the being of God ; that he misused biblical terms and concepts on the one hand by treating them semi-literally as ‘ ontic ’ , as descriptive of the way things actually are when they are often pictorial or metaphorical , and on the other hand by turning the whole of Scripture into a vast allegory of Jesus Christ ; and that this reflected a Platonist streak in his thinking which encouraged an unbalanced concentration on eternal realities rather than the actual world of concrete life and experience .
7 THE high flying Canaries were knocked off their perch by an in-form Wimbledon side which produced a classy display .
8 To create an experiment which yielded the maximum information without becoming boring for the subjects the design is slightly altered from that used in Studies 2 and 3 .
9 The Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) was initially opposed to joining any coalition which included the right-wing German Social Union ( DSU ) , not least because the DSU and especially its chairman , Hans-Wilhelm Ebeling , had sought during the election campaign to associate the SPD with the former Communist regime .
10 Erhard was succeeded in 1966 by Kurt Kiesinger in a coalition which included the Social Democrats .
11 Members of the committee will see that savings continue to come through on the school meals service and this is to a very considerable extent , the result that the ethos of the previous Conversative administration which ran a tight ship and positively encourage deficiency .
12 Yet there was always an element of complacency about an administration which enjoyed a substantial parliamentary majority .
13 In March I joined a CPRW delegation which met the senior Welsh Office planners and statisticians to find out more about the basis of the population and future housing projections given to the eight Welsh counties by the Secretary of State for inclusion in their Structure Plans .
14 On arrival at a solitary farm we stopped at a simple stone monument which marked the nearby crash-sites for F/L Mackid 's Lancaster , : 7572 ‘ L ’ and F/L Poole 's Halifax , W1020 ‘ K ’ .
15 Drawing her to her feet , he led her up the wide staircase to a comfortable oak-panelled bedroom which overlooked the eucalyptus trees in the garden .
16 PAUL Peschisllibo , Birmingham City 's Canadian International striker , demonstrated why he is currently a player attracting considerable attention with a brilliant display of attacking football which destroyed the multi-million Derby side .
17 The colonial period ushered in an era of foreign investment which gave the large scale trading houses of Europe a hold on the development of local economies allowing little room for Africa 's entrepreneurs to develop their skills .
18 But there was also an exhilaration in the atmosphere of conspiracy and violence which characterised the last years of his childhood .
19 there is a better chance now than ever before to break down that prejudice which prompted the Irish people to confound in one common hatred the oppressed classes of England with the oppressors of both countries .
20 This culminated , in 1954 , with the episode which sent a delicious frisson around the English art Establishment and made Rothenstein 's popular reputation : going around the Diaghilev exhibition , he ran into Cooper , who started insulting him and then punched him .
21 One evident result of this , whatever others there might be , appears to be that much information about clients and potential clients is shared informally , so that , for example , information could come ‘ straight from the surgery ’ in advance of a more formal notification of the episode which triggered the eventual admission of the case outlined above .
22 It was the Cloggy episode which started the whispering campaign .
23 It was a typical winter 's day on the east coast , with a chill , sleet-laden wind which caused the official party to make a hasty withdrawal to the reception lounge after the launching ceremony .
24 A wind such as East Anglia only knows , cruel , ‘ lazy ’ ( too lazy to go round you , going through you instead ) , a wind which made the old ladies in the town say : ‘ Oi 've got me thermals on ’ .
25 He listened and provoked the expression of every opinion — however conflicting — and he then produced a concoction which contained the best of the ingredients from every recipe .
26 The drawing which accompanied the Illustrated London News report was done by Edward Bradley , described as a Durham correspondent .
27 This kind of treatment caused resentment among the petty-minded officialdom which ran the British professional game , and when Boomer was chosen for the 1927 Ryder Cup team he was picked up at Cherbourg en route to America and made to wear what every Frenchman was supposed to wear — a beret .
28 In the absence of any inter-party consensus on who should fill the office of President , no candidate secured a sufficient majority in 15 rounds of voting between May 13 and May 23 in the 1,014-member electoral college which comprised the 630 deputies , the 315 elected senators , the 11 life senators and 58 delegates from regional councils .
29 I just wanted to s erm congratulate er whoever it was and put together the curriculum er programme which secured the three quarters of a million pound for all those which will I , I think I can understand extremely competitive and I would like to erm give credit to there because that will be enormously for the business which will give proper jobs er which is er very useful to the environment and , and , and really just to record erm that , that particular er success .
30 At the extraordinary congress in December the 2,000 delegates had adopted a programme which committed the Socialist Party to act as a " barrier to the right and extreme-right and to pursue economic modernization , social justice , and the construction of Europe " .
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