Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The most popular is the Bumblebee Goby Brachygobius xanthozona which hops along the bottom or sticks to the glass sides with ventral fin suckers .
2 The Spanish Church , although forced by nineteenth-century liberal governments to release most of its vast landed wealth , remained during the early twentieth century a rich , powerful and traditionalist institution whose ties with the wealthy classes , moreover , were becoming closer .
3 But of course there is no way of knowing in advance for a particular author or text which parts of the code will be exploited in a stylistically interesting way and which will not .
4 There is nothing odd in this ; the academic freedoms that the academic community enjoys generate their own academic ethic which members of the academic community should fulfil if they are to warrant those privileges ( Shils 1984 ) .
5 You need a good pair of wellington boots , a large shirt which belts at the waist and a suitable hat .
6 The site has been known to many antiquaries from the eighteenth century onwards ; Gordon recorded that the circuit of the walls was still conspicuous , a description which conflicts with the almost contemporary report of that other noted antiquarian of Hadrian 's Wall , John Horsley , who wrote that the Roman site was almost entirely levelled and under the plough .
7 Whether or not an effective school library should depend on voluntary labour and charity remains a specific instance of a wider political issue which schools across the nation face daily .
8 Firbank spent the first ten years of his life at his family 's new home , The Coopers , Chislehurst — a village whose connections with the exiled Empress Eugénie may have influenced his enduring fascination with both royalty and Catholicism .
9 Nozick is certainly raising a point which supporters of the other versions of neutrality have to contend with .
10 Indexical meaning , achievable only pragmatically in reference to context , is contrasted with symbolic meaning which inheres in the linguistic sign as a stable semantic property .
11 A further reminder is the complaints procedure which members of the public can initiate against police officers .
12 But it is a self which readers of the book can only rarely have found it hard to experience .
13 First though , this week is Shelter Week and the Charity which campaigns for the homeless is aiming to raise thirty five thousand pounds .
14 Salha was a woman of strong , open and reassuring character whose links with the women of nearly every household in Huaiwiri through her own daughters and her mother 's sisters ' descent in the women 's line ensured that she had influence in all households .
15 In the research carried out by one of the present authors ( Powell 1987 ) , forty seven clients in six separate structured group programmes were asked to rate which components of the package they had found most helpful .
16 A general strike had already taken place in July in response to a government announcement that agreement had been reached with the IMF on conditions for a standby loan which sources in the capital , Santo Domingo , described as " one of the most drastic programmes ever contemplated by the IMF " .
17 It includes a large photon-counting array which researchers at the Mount stromlo Observatory , near Canberra , developed .
18 The evening marks the launch of a new bursary to the University of Liverpool by Whitbread , to be awarded this year to the student whose ideas for the most effective use of a possible £1bn for Merseyside are judged to be the best .
19 The winning design projects a needle into the sky from a circular cylinder which tapers to the ground .
20 As they reached the door she glanced down at the small flower bed which gardeners in the congregation were trying to cultivate with more optimism than success in the unrewarding soil at the side of the path .
21 Furthermore , Parliament is limited in its actions , since it should not pass legislation which conflicts with the regulation .
22 The diagrams show a tee shot situation on a par-4 hole which dog-legs to the left for the shot to the green .
23 If you have to venture on to the roof , be sure to hire a roof ladder which hooks over the roof ridge ; and for other work above ground level , make sure your ladder is anchored so it ca n't move .
24 In these places today , Standard English exists as a model which members of the community may aspire to , though not all choose to do so .
25 It is clear , therefore , that the property which vests in the trustee when an adjudication order is made includes property which was vested in the bankrupt at an earlier date .
26 This summer they will be holding 48 events throughout the city which members of the public can join in .
27 Such consensus was originally explained as the product of a distinct personality which members of the police either possessed before coming to the force or quickly develop as a result of the job ( for a survey of the literature on this see Adlam 1981 ) .
28 Your shiny skin is caused by oil which surfaces via the hair follicles or shafts ( otherwise known as the skin 's pores ) , into which the sebaceous glands secrete sebum .
29 Conventional economic approaches to consumption tend towards a macro-scale of analysis whose assumptions about the nature of society , demand , and the actual relationship between goods and people can generally be reduced to certain highly simplistic and dubious notions , with the social demand for goods being replaced by the quite insufficient symbolic equation with price .
30 No matter what disasters in the world , no matter what the weather , the dedicated company of campanologists assembled every Wednesday night and the bells of the Norman tower rang out over the Suffolk fields , ceasing promptly at nine lest they should disturb the local population .
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