Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [modal v] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , he hoped they would provide the basis of a religion that could unite the warring factions of the Church .
2 A ‘ god ’ and corresponding religion that can serve the human need , must be produced by mankind itself , that is , the ‘ god ’ must be created by life and man 's intelligence , not life created by ‘ god ’ .
3 I believe that the creation of the universe and all that that involves , is still a mystery and forms no part of the conception of a god and a corresponding religion that can fulfil the human need .
4 It was the indictments of the Audit Commission that led the Secretary of State for Social Services to ask Sir Roy Griffiths ‘ to review the way in which public funds are used to support community care policy and to advise … on the options for action that would improve the use of these funds as a contribution to more effective community care ’ .
5 But the question of education can not be dealt with in isolation from the wider and urgent need to develop forms of union organisation and action that will rebuild the movement and protect and advance working-class interests .
6 In one sentence it was ‘ The objectives of US policy can only be attained by such French action that will satisfy the nationalist aspirations of the peoples of Indo-China ’ .
7 The trick is to find a way of giving the Europeans enough of a feeling that they can pursue security policies of their own without at the same time forming a European defence association that would drive the Americans away .
8 There are also two proprietary slots — one for a full-length processor card , the other for a 256Mb memory card that can take the system total to a whopping 384Mb .
9 Benzinol , the state company based in Bratislava , is about to sign a deal that will give the BP-Unipart alliance access to about 200 petrol stations — two-thirds of the entire petrol station market in Slovakia — and access to a market of well-organized motor workshops .
10 Sleepy Kids , which has put together a deal that could earn the Duchess up to £5 million , lost £109,000 in the six months to May .
11 Rick Parry , the Premier League 's chief executive , is close to arranging a four-year deal that could bring the League more than £30m , which would mean over £300,000 each in phased payments to member clubs .
12 WHEN director Alan Rudolph cast cute couple Bruce Willis and Demi Moore in his suspense drama Mortal Thoughts , little did he know the pair would do over $200 million of business this summer ( with Die Hard 2 and Ghost ) , an unexpected boost that could give the arthouse auteur a much-needed hit
13 The Fleming committee had been set up in response to pressure from the independent schools themselves : their heads and governors had been worried by the drop in enrolments and income in the 1930s , and many hoped to share in the growing national investment that would follow the War .
14 Clinton was sensationally tipped to have captured the battleground state of Georgia , a result that would sound the death knell of Republican hopes .
15 They had boosted the strength of the signal they were bouncing off the troposphere and started transmitting the pre-coded programme that would override the telemetric signals being sent from Bacton to the offshore gas platforms .
16 Its excuse was that it did not have a computer programme that would fit the bill .
17 ‘ So , we required a new programme that would bridge the state of mind of sports fans , and the teenage pop music audience , while attracting and holding the children 's audience accustomed to their Saturday afternoon serial .
18 Moving on its drive to attract as many ISVs to UnixWare as possible , Univel has kicked off another phase of its developers ' programme that will get the software into vendors ' hands at reduced prices : Independent software vendors can get a Personal Edition bundled with a Software Developers Kit for $600 and a Application Server bundled with a SDK for $900 .
19 In the case of Venus thermal tides make a very large contribution and it can be shown that it is this component of the overall circulation that may drive the 4–5 day zonal circulation and thus speed up the axial spin ( section 4.2 ) .
20 He could not imagine the stunted , blinkered , and self-regarding mind that could contemplate the killing of another human being .
21 The men on the shore cheered , shaking their swords and their spears , and the men on board the two leading ships cheered as well , as the seamen leaned forward , swinging the seventeen-foot oars for the stroke that would lift the prows safely home to their beaching .
22 Extreme right wing parties applaud Mr Heitmann 's views and some fear that could fuel the alarming spate of attacks on foreigners .
23 All stressed skin structures exhibit a minimum surface tension that can contain the applied forces .
24 The vaccinia DNA included a promoter region — a genetic ‘ on ’ switch that would ensure the production of the protein from the HbsAg gene .
25 A way to do this is with a switch that can direct the photon to one of two detectors set to measure different directions of polarisation , both at A and at B ( Figure 16 ) .
26 It could , in theory , be used as a switch that could outperform the electronic equivalent in many cases .
27 The going concern ED proposed that auditors should obtain a statement from the directors confirming their considered view that the company is a going concern ; that , in forming an opinion on whether the company is a going concern , the auditors should look ahead one year from the date of the directors ' approval of the accounts ; and that , even if disclosures in the accounts of any matters giving rise to an uncertainty that could affect the company 's ability to continue as a going concern are adequate , the auditors should draw attention to the matters in their report .
28 But solipsism is intuitively unacceptable ; and nobody seems to be able to come up with an argument from analogy that will do the trick .
29 The Witch King and his councillors began a terrible ritual that would unbind the vortex .
30 So , in the space of three years , the curious puzzle of the shrinking Sun has taken researchers from the studies of dusty old records locked away in the files of the world 's most famous observatory to speculations about the internal workings of the Sun and a grim warning of the possible climatic future that will confront the next generation of human beings on an already overcrowded planet .
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