Example sentences of "[noun sg] [not/n't] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When is a ghost movie not really a ghost move ?
2 Recommendations regarding placement will need to bear in mind not only a child 's existing abilities , but also the progress a child is likely to make in different educational settings .
3 Bear in mind not only the length but also the proportion of your answer , so that each relevant issue in the question is addressed .
4 When I went to what was in effect not merely the memorial of the fifty aft after fifty two years of the people , but of course really the funeral service of the pit and when I went to that here was the chance to dedicate that also , we did it actually at the Memorial Garden where all the pit people are buried and that is right you see , picking up out of the past not sticking in the past , and arranging it as you might say as in that banner to move on into the future .
5 However , in practice not even the Securitate could prevent pregnant women from preferring to resort to illegal abortions rather than bring children into the ‘ Epoch of Light ’ .
6 Contrary to what some people suppose , boredom 15 a strong emotion not just a matter of apathy and inertia .
7 A fairly conventional view — but here it is transformed by an argument that makes Caliban not merely the boar , minister of the lustful Venus — in contrast to Prospero , who , like Adonis , is tediously keen on chastity — but the hero of the piece , and indeed of the collected works .
8 Struggles and strategies in the fields have at stake not just the value of symbolic goods but also the degree of autonomy of a given field .
9 It was characteristic that he stuck into his scrapbook not only the programme of that performance and the rave review from Dance News , but also such memorabilia as publicity photographs and sketches about the clothes and accessories which all the women in the company were given as ambassadors of British fashion , and , significantly , the handsome illustrated brochure of Balanchine 's School of American Ballet .
10 Renewal , as distinguished from repair , is reconstruction of the entirety , meaning by the entirety not necessarily the whole but substantially the whole " .
11 Crime is a big issue not just an issue of sentencing or the courts , but something that must be looked at away from politcs .
12 At the same time , disputes between France and the rest over institutional , political and economic plans grew to the extent where they called into question not just the desirability and possibility of the ultimate goal of political union , but also the current shape and even the viability of the Community .
13 To look at Christian dualism in this way is actually to advance an argument against God , not the Devil , and some people feel that in discrediting God such a view calls into question not only the Devil but the whole of Christianity .
14 And I had to spend a whole hour in a meeting not not an hour , two and a half hours in a
15 The Government have abandoned in the so-called council tax not only the rule that everybody has to pay but a key element of the poll tax — accountability .
16 The approach that I have called theoretical as opposed to practical must have as a major part of its aim not merely the passing on of facts and formulae but the inculcation of critical and speculative habit .
17 They pulled out at a point not where the cost they thought was n't worth it , but they pulled out because people associate
18 Unlike the infant boys of previous minorities , an infant girl would be a pawn in the marriage market — the traditional female role — but one who took with her to her husband not just a dowry , but a kingdom .
19 Where a defendant to an action claims against any person not already a party , contribution or indemnity , or some relief , remedy , or settlement of an issue connected with the subject matter of the action , he must proceed by way of a third party notice ( N 15 ) .
20 Haig had ordered the artillery to bombard not merely the enemy front-line trenches but those to the rear , to prevent German reinforcements coming up .
21 Arran I have known since childhood ; my hostess not only a friend but a colleague .
22 I marvelled at it , a frog not even an inch long , no larger than a thumb nail .
23 And even in quite a wide area not perhaps the garden croquet players you would n't know about the people who play in the back garden but you know the people who play in tournaments .
24 However , my own interest , perhaps , is more in what a library , a typical library not just a university library , can do with its own computer , and most of our most of our readers , most of the people who use libraries expect to find books in those libraries and expect to find them when they want them , and our interests have been angled very much towards improving that sort of service .
25 For their part , ministers are accountable to Parliament , so ministers are the vital link in the chain between the civil service and Parliament and , indeed , they have been in the past not merely a link but a barrier .
26 Why is this man not yet a knight , or even a peer ?
27 The Piccadilly money-lender gave the young man not only the £150 he needed but a £10 diamond ring and an £8 gold watch .
28 Perhaps Morrison had foreseen this , yet in the event it was a considerate and generous letter , sent from 10 Downing Street in Attlee 's own hand , which did much to help to avert the potential embarrassment of losing from his Government not only the Attorney General , but also one of Labour 's coming men .
29 All of which makes the Jorvik Viking Centre not just the journey of a lifetime , but the most exciting journey in a thousand years .
30 Producing the juice to make vin de rebêche is optional if pressing grapes for Champagne , but for some reason not even the CIVC could answer , obligatory by law if pressing grapes for Coteaux Champenois .
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