Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] up in the " in BNC.

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1 A high concentration builds up in the fish which are a staple part of the Cree and Inuit 's diet .
2 Meanwhile the chlorine builds up in the stratosphere , and the ‘ hole ’ over the Antarctic continues to grow .
3 We are not told this but it is easy to say that the plot opens up in the Deep American South between the two world wars , from the way the coloured people are treated , the fashions , and the descriptive backgrounds .
4 The contrast shows up in the different notions of ‘ social capacity ’ .
5 During the night and for several hours after dawn the summit remains clearly visible , but as the plain warms up in the morning sun , the hot air rises and becomes vapour at a given height .
6 On Saturdays , during July and August , a discotheque opens up in the evenings .
7 The nose stuffs up in the evening and in a warm room .
8 " Ham " acting shows up in the slightest twitch of an eyebrow .
9 of the substance venial alanine it , the level rises up in the blood , it 's a bit like overfilling a jug , if you have a quarter pint jug and you have a pint of milk , when you get to the top you do n't stop pouring , it spills out the edge and in the body it actually goes into the body tissues , nowhere else to go and it causes a devastating result , it causes abnormal mental development , it causes gross retardation .
10 This tension between economic arithmetic and the prescriptions of economic theory shows up in the discussion that follows .
11 The special significance of this number is that a similar long-term cyclic pattern shows up in the record of the changing number of sunspots , modulating the stronger 11 year rhythm .
12 My tongue hangs up in the leaves
13 ‘ Aye , me and one of my mates have been going round the Forestry Commission tracks up in the hills , goin' round at fifty , skiddin' all over the place like a speedway . ’
14 and they stand there sort of bouncing up and down on this canvass thing , you know , sort of like this then she goes ooh ooh , and her bleeding leg comes up in the air
15 As the pressure builds up in the bladder , the bladder neck muscles ca n't contain it and urine is passed .
16 Only about 20 per cent of the carbon in the coal ends up in the gas in either process , so carbonisation is not an efficient method for producing a carbon-based gas from coal .
17 The process is very efficient and almost all of the carbon in the coal ends up in the gas .
18 Among the " quick fix " solutions which have been proposed to counter global warming are : placing thousand of large mirrors in space to reflect sunlight ; making aircraft engines less efficient so that soot builds up in the stratosphere , with similar effect ; dumping iron filings into the oceans to stimulate the growth of plankton , which absorbs carbon dioxide ; using lasers to break up chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere ; and firing a million tons of dust into the upper atmosphere , also with a view to reflecting solar radiation .
19 When the heroin shows up in the flour , Gary wants to return it to the mob .
20 In the clamp they last well until February , but tend to rot when the weather warms up in the spring .
21 The Commodore 64 also offers a similar system but the ZX Spectrum , on which the Light Rifle was tested , does n't and the deficiency shows up in the time taken to calculate the position of the rifle when the trigger is pulled .
22 As earth gets up in the frosty dark , at the back of the Pole Star
23 down all these Coronation Street type houses , and erm one of her friends was on the telephone the other night and er this chap draws up in the car and she says I , I wo n't be a minute , and he comes straight out of his car , he said I 'll give you one minute he said , I 'll drive my car and come back down that ro up back to the telephone box and he said if you ai n't gone by then he said I 'll smash your fucking face in , that 's exactly what he said to her .
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