Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv prt] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once past her garden , Clare turned off the narrow lane on to a path hedged high with hawthorn , which led up the gently rising hill behind the cottage to the wood .
2 As Ilse happily slipped out of her thin white overall , Ingrid noticed the audience tossing money on to a plate which was being passed around .
3 The bird ties it by holding a strip on to a branch with one foot and then , using its beak , passing the end round the branch , threading it through one of the turns and pulling it tight .
4 Nina turned the fragments of food on her plate with all the delicacy of an archaeologist lifting a shard on to a trowel .
5 But if you leave a light bulb on for a year , it 'll cost you more than leaving the fan heater on for an hour .
6 There is nothing in the Children Act 1989 which provides for the court to tack any direction on to a care order and I have to say that , in my judgment , the addition of a direction of any sort to a care order is a fetter on the local authority plans , authority and responsibility .
7 Pin the tracing on to a wall .
8 But Fael-Inis was concentrating on spreading honey on to a wedge of bread , and seemed not to notice .
9 Smiling broadly to herself she closed the heavy wooden door behind us and fastened the little chain latch on to a nail on the adjacent door .
10 He flung the guitar on to a chair , and bent down to pick Shelley up bodily instead , lifting her as though she weighed nothing at all .
11 This was the famous gun that could put a shell on to a target and then another two on the same spot precisely .
12 Then Connie would move into the sanatorium along with a lot of legal talent he had lined up to look after his interests — and Connie 's , too , of course — and I 'd head for home with my five hundred . ’
13 Russell said , " Before you leave , put money down for a mescal . "
14 She looks as if she stuck every hairpin in like a knife . "
15 Henry worked under his father at the abbey from 1495 , but from 1501 to 1506 was building the Observant friary in Richmond , Surrey , by contract along with a brickmaker , Robert Nevill , and Thomas Binks , carpenter .
16 It 's not no y you using a you put a boiler in for a purpose , is to heat your water up in n it ?
17 Although I accept the necessity to improve traffic flows and safety on the M25 , may I ask my hon. Friend to take into account environmental considerations such as the need to keep noise down to a minimum ?
18 Place the cake tin base down on a sheet of paper ( double thickness if necessary ) , and draw round it with a pencil .
19 The effect of this , of course , is to induce an ability to postpone oral instinctual gratification along with a concern about the availability of food — a character ideally suited to the demands of delayed-return systems of subsistence such as seasonal hunter-gathering or , still more , cultivation .
20 We have to balance this response with a consideration of the relationship the participants develop with the trainers , and to put some of the enthusiastic response down to a desire to please us and to peer group pressure .
21 An orangery , a formal canal , a Gothick tower , one of Britain 's most fantastic grottoes , a Gothick garden house and a mock fortified bastion are all crammed into its limited acreage along with a statue of Hercules being toppled by the weight of his own club .
22 You put your guitar down for a second , and just as you turn away there 's a horrible discordant ker-draanngg ! , accompanied , if you 're unlucky , by the even more expensive noise of your headstock suddenly leaving the band to embark on a solo career .
23 Just take an odd sock , put your hand inside and pull the toe in for a mouth , stick paper shapes on for eyes and nose .
24 There is the feel of a cold offshore mist to the hospital room , a life-is-a-bitch feel , made sharp by the hostile ganglia of medical technology , plasma bags dripping , vile tubing snaking in and out of the body , blinking monitors levelling illusion , muffling existence down to a sort of digital bingo .
25 For sure , Disneyhood wo n't be challenging Swans in the heavyweight ring just yet , but they frequently flourish a muscular grip on proceedings , ultimately putting their collective foot down for a finale of ‘ Sight Return ’ , intimidating in its volume and velocity .
26 ‘ As soon as you get round the corner , put your foot down for a couple of blocks .
27 She stopped and put her case down for a moment to try and collect herself ; her hands were trembling uncontrollably from the weight .
28 A statutory demand under s 268 , Insolvency Act 1986 could not be made to recover tax payable as determined by the General Commissioner when the notice of that amount had not been served on the taxpayer at his usual or last known place of residence under s 115 , TMA 1970 , according to Chancery Division in Re a Debtor ( No 124/50/91 ) , Ex Parte the Debtor v IRC [ 1992 ] STI 888 .
29 At the half-year , however , deficit down by a quarter from $31.9m to $23.7m reflecting sharp reduction in Q1 losses .
30 Instead he kicked his horse on into a canter behind the hounds .
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