Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] in the same " in BNC.

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1 A trade union to my mind stands in the same position .
2 Even though the local advantages for power and raw materials have gone , the industry remains in the same place .
3 If the defendant in a default action does submit a defence in the prescribed time , the district judge fixes a date for the preliminary hearing , and the action proceeds in the same way as a fixed date action .
4 The first consists in demonstrating that the element in question participates in the same semantic contrast with a third element as a proven semantic constituent .
5 Accountability operates in the same domain as trust .
6 Whether divorce operates in the same way as widowhood in this regard is really a matter of speculation at the present time .
7 This is particularly relevant in the case of boys — somehow society seems to think it is appropriate for little girls to shed tears but is embarrassed when a young boy reacts in the same way .
8 To attract business , an exchange has to meet participants ' business needs in the same way as any other market .
9 There is evidence of individual learned behaviour patterns , such as for instance barn owls which roost in caves and which predate bat roosts in the same caves .
10 When your skin is burned , your body responds in the same way as it does to any other injury : going into ‘ over-drive ’ to quickly replace the burnt areas with new skin .
11 That being so , suppose we have another member of staff who is equally as effective as a teacher but who does not work up the lecture notes in the same way : could we not say that his or her teaching is integrated with research to the same degree ?
12 Such measures of absences from parish registers are the crudest of indicators , but other evidence points in the same direction .
13 The best solution to this problem is the exchange of stock between different service points in the same authority .
14 This way , all the grain travels in the same direction and you do not store up shrinkage problems .
15 In picture ( a ) the circuit is behaving as one might guess — the single loop on the screen indicates that the current varies in the same way for every cycle of the source .
16 Not one character speaks in the same way as another one .
17 The moon moves in the same direction as the Earth 's rotation , slightly extending the interval between high tides to 12.4 hours .
18 In other words , the most difficult tasks found within any given layer are all characterized by the same type or category of complexity , just as water remains in the same liquid state from 0 degrees to 100 degrees Celsius , even though it ranges from very cold to very hot .
19 The first common mistake people make is to imagine that a dog thinks in the same way as a human being .
20 The extensive use of lead during the Cycladic Early Bronze Age points in the same direction for the Aegean .
21 The cluster lies in the same × 7 or × 8.5 field , together with a fainter star , 13 Monocerotis ( 4.5 ) .
22 Yet lexical access stands in the same relation to these levels as the acoustic front end stands to lexical access .
23 it follows from this that ‘ it is characteristic of all unproductive labourers that they are at my command … only to the same extent as I exploit productive labourers … however , my power to employ productive labourers by no means grows in the same proportion as I employ unproductive labourers , but on the contrary diminishes in the same proportion . ’
24 Christopher Feake [ q.v. ] described her as a gentlewoman , and her fluent and confident style points in the same direction .
25 For most of them sex happens in the same places it always did .
26 Release the front bed stitches in the same way .
27 Pam Nelson may not yet be a household name but if this young American progresses in the same manner as previous Pilkington Glass U.21 Champions Steffi Graf , Arantxa Sanchez , Jana Novotna and Manuela Maleeva , then it will not be long before her name appears in the latter stages of the world 's leading tournaments .
28 If persistently large current account imbalances arose , the antici-pation of devaluation or revaluation would give rise to speculative short-term capital flows in the same direction , putting added pressure on the exchange rate in question .
29 Most of this song proceeds in the same manner .
30 The scale works in the same way as a golfer 's handicap .
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