Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 His classification into personal and projected play represents a hierarchy of abstraction ; dramatic activities using oneself as the medium of expression standing at a lower level on the table of abstraction than dramatic activities using media other than oneself .
2 Nearly all these individuals are fully competent native speakers of British English , so they do not actually require Creole for strictly communicative purposes ; for them , Creole fulfils a number of other roles mostly related to its symbolic significance as a marker of black identity .
3 The technique involves a network of irrigation pipes running from the store to a point on the headland .
4 In procedural terms , therefore , the life sentence involves a transfer of function : normally it is the judge who determines the sentence ( or at least its upper limit , since earlier release on parole may be possible ) , whereas a life sentence entrusts that function to the executive , who must first ascertain the opinions of the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge .
5 In keeping with a dominant impulse within inter-war English studies , he concludes that " Literature constitutes a body of knowledge to be studied in and for itself without regard to any educational value it may have … [ since ] its being is its own justification . "
6 By transferring the means of production to state ownership , nationalisation represents a broadening of the scope of economic calculation beyond the limited horizon of private profit .
7 Even this morning I 've had to sell a first-rate Hockney print for £6,500 , which cost £5,540 seven years ago , which with the cost of money represents a loss of about £5,000 . ’
8 Before leaving his desk the computer supplies a printout of each location to be visited showing the individual name , job title , man number , depot number , hourly/weekly/monthly paid , age , birth date , service , joining date , marital status , salary or wage , total numbers by payroll and average salary or wage .
9 Each Faculty makes a substantial contribution to the field of adult and continuing education , in which the University offers a range of part-time degree , diploma and postgraduate courses together with a comprehensive programme of short courses .
10 The University offers a programme of high-level courses in the area of accounting and related studies .
11 The University offers a programme of high-level training courses in Hotel and Catering Management ( or Hospitality Management as this vocationally important area is increasingly known ) .
12 Because the GPC route imposes a stage of processing between the visual analysis and the lexicon , it is necessarily slower in use than the direct lexical route .
13 Each of the other fundamental rights reveals an aspect of the value of private autonomy , whereas , in contrast , a right to enforce a contract involves an assertion of the justice of commandeering state power to curtail economic liberty and restrict autonomy .
14 The North West represents a microcosm of many of the present opportunities and problems for public passenger transport in Great Britain .
15 The criteria for selection for reporting are that the case involves an issue of legal principle and contributes to the orderly development of the law .
16 Communicating involves a variety of complex behaviours which are difficult to categorise .
17 The course involves a range of physically challenging activities including a gruelling assault In a follow-up programme they go potholing , canoeing and parachute jumping .
18 Chair work of this kind involves a lot of compound shaping to make the chair really comfortable and supportive and five a refined appearance .
19 In the late spring , the colourful male builds a nest of seaweed and entices a ripe female to lay her eggs in it .
20 It is symbolic that a Babylonian text records a payment of oil to Jehoiakin , the son of the king of Judah , and to seven Greek carpenters who worked for the Babylonian court ( Ancient Near Eastern Texts , 2 ed. , p. 308 ) .
21 So solving the difficulty involves a combination of understanding with memorisation of particular examples .
22 As Jane Feuer points out , camp involves a kind of sensibility in which ‘ blank mimicry and a critical edge may coexist ’ , and thereby resembles that form of postmodern parody which Linda Hutcheon defines as a ‘ repetition with critical distance that allows ironic signalling of difference at the very heart of similarity ’ .
23 The opposite condition is shown by the hamadryas baboon : the male enforces a direction of march through biting the necks of recalcitrant females until they follow him .
24 The theory of ideology offers an account of the role of knowledge in society that enables its analyses to operate as critique .
25 Any change involves a mixture of gain and loss , loss and gain .
26 Bristol & West offers a range of insurance services , many specially negotiated and not available elsewhere .
27 A NEW mortgage deal from Bristol & West offers a rate of 8.5% reducing to 6.5% by April 1994 .
28 Preparation of an internal control questionnaire in which the auditor devises a series of questions to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a system and to test whether an objective of control is capable of being met by the system .
29 The technique has a host of medical and industrial applications , because bacteria can not colonise a protein-free surface .
30 Trial work suggests that the technique has a number of advantages over other forms of injection .
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