Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [pn reflx] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The incorporation of a long passage from a Board of Education memo on evening schools indicates that the Committee feels itself to be in consonance with the Board " s thinking , not only on the inadequacies of vocational education , but also on the value of English as a force for cultural nationalization .
2 Each village believes itself to be totally different from any other and often marks itself off in a variety of symbolic ways from those which surround it .
3 What irritates me about Vienna is a certain not-quite-definable smugness , a feeling that somehow this place feels itself to be the centre .
4 Until recently it has tended to be a middle-class , if not an upper-class , home where the father prides himself on being able to provide well for his family , and the mother prides herself on being a good ‘ homemaker ’ who runs the establishment with precise efficiency , giving careful consideration to the basic ( i.e. material ) needs of all the occupants .
5 Herodotus can not bring himself to believe in a story which gives as the cause of centuries of rivalry ‘ nothing worse than woman-stealing on both sides ’ ( 42 ) , for he does not think the Greeks could possibly have gone to war over anything so trivial , and indeed he appears to concur with the Persian view that ‘ no young woman allows herself to be abducted if she does not wish to be ’ ( 42 ) .
6 On the one hand medicine is seen as a body of scientific knowledge and as a set of techniques , for which the GP feels himself to be relatively poorly equipped .
7 Strephon allows himself to be duped by the charms of this woman who , in Swift 's view , seems immortal because she appears clean .
8 What the utterer commits himself to is all encoded in the language-system .
9 Well that 's what Breeze am keep telling me when I got to work in the morning it 's about the time of recession people should advertise more not less that maybe but the hard financial situation of the theatre finds itself in is to find that sort of money is very difficult at the moment .
10 Thus culture at some level of awareness asserts itself to be not only distinct from but superior to nature , and that sense of distinctiveness and superiority rests precisely on the ability to transform — to ‘ socialize' ’ and ‘ ‘ culturalize' ’ — nature' , i.e. to be active and in control .
11 The fact that the subject believes himself to be been falsely suspected will not necessarily protect him from criminal liability if he should over-react .
12 The Socialist Leaguer declared : A disciplined organisation founded on a common policy and working as part of the Labour movement is what the League conceives itself to be .
13 In it , the Hucknall left-back reveals himself to be a chip off the Sid Kelly block : ‘ favourite food — 32oz steak-with-everything ’ .
14 And yet she was aware of something lovely somewhere , something that was gone , or hidden , or yet to be attained : she supposed her therapist would say that this unrealistic shard of broken vision dated back to her infancy , when the human animal believes itself to be omnipotent , immortal and an integral part of all that is .
15 Until recently it has tended to be a middle-class , if not an upper-class , home where the father prides himself on being able to provide well for his family , and the mother prides herself on being a good ‘ homemaker ’ who runs the establishment with precise efficiency , giving careful consideration to the basic ( i.e. material ) needs of all the occupants .
16 In a striking phrase , Enzensberger suggests that ‘ artistic productivity reveals itself to be the extreme marginal case of a much more widespread productivity ’ ( ibid : 46 ) .
17 The regime declares itself to be the only true guardian of socialism , but can offer no answer to what is happening elsewhere except to denounce foreign interference and to assert that communism must inevitably triumph .
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