Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [adv prt] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Sweated labour forces down the wages of all workers , whether underground or legal .
2 This tour offers you a unique opportunity to gain an insight into the cultural and geographical aspects typical of Thailand : ruins of ancient towns and imposing temples that were once the glory of the country , exotic plants and wild jungle still unspoilt by the progress of time , rustic life with its simple and friendly people , rolling hills and roaring waterfalls , boat trips down the rapids and train rides , primitive hilltribes in their colourful costumes with a tradition and culture all their own .
3 In New York , the visitor is drawn time and time again to the Frick Collection , where the opulent yet relaxed setting shows off the objects so much more sympathetically than the Disneyland-style ‘ period rooms ’ across the other side of Fifth Avenue .
4 The report comes as the Department of Trade and Industry takes on the tasks of the now defunct Department of Energy .
5 The ErgoClient takes on the characteristics of a personal computer by means of a similar personality module , which incorporates an Intel Corp 80486 processor and simply slots into the machine .
6 The minibus picks up the Inspirals party outside the hotel in Japantown , San Francisco at 10.30 the next morning , a Sunday .
7 The Old Testament lays down the fundamentals of a Christian social ethic in three major ways .
8 Newsround picks out the highlights .
9 The first section of this chapter sums up the differences which have emerged between legacies and trusts in the course of this book , and goes on to consider whether or how far or in what sense classical law can be said to have reached a fusion of legacy and trust .
10 As to the former , the objects clause in the company 's memorandum of association sets out the activities for which the company has been formed , though these activities may subsequently be altered by special resolution .
11 Emotionally and mentally our mind seeks out the things , people and ideas to which it is already habituated .
12 Because of the disposition and the shape of Walter 's continuous check in relation to the wrestplank , the treble end of the check would not pass under the wrestplank as the action slides up the ramps at the back if the ends of the check batten were rigidly fixed to the action frame .
13 The wind has varied for them between 20 and 40 knots and it has , in the main , blown from the west , allowing them sleigh rides down the faces of the big waves .
14 Women face impossible difficulties in trying to combine the roles of mother , paid worker and unpaid domestic worker , and when marriage breaks down the consequences are obvious in terms of the vulnerability of lone mothers and their children to poverty .
15 The sun picks out the muscles in his back .
16 This Act lays down the matters to be stated , and reports to be set out , in a prospectus issued when an offer or invitation is being made to the public .
17 However the development , mainly in the voluntary sector , of segregated dementia day centres offers the hope that the needs of the large intermediate group of sufferers and their carers can be looked after in small , local , enthusiastic units , taking pressure away from the " ordinary day centres and day hospitals and allowing them a better mix a Policy Part IV of the Social Work ( Scotland ) Act sets out the provisions for local authority residential care .
18 The sun stirs up the winds ; the winds suck up the swells ; the swells pump out waves that trip up against the jutting kerbs of the land .
19 Laura Davies , Sue Strudwick , Trish Johnson and Nicholas yesterday all spoke as one on the subject of how , but for the support they had had from certain European sponsors down the years , they would all be thinking in terms of pulling out of playing in Europe altogether .
20 The hyperventilation brings on the symptoms , but the patient perceives them as a consequence of the food or chemical — so the pattern of behaviour is reinforced .
21 Recession shakes out the contents of the stately homes of England
22 This is a distinguished , elegant book , almost more ‘ Gothic ’ in style than Palladian , with the lunatic old Nanny , the collapsing conservatory , dismembered statuary , and all the cruel vagaries of the English weather : rain drips down the windows ‘ like gin ’ .
23 When an engineer calls up the plans for a jet engine , the information in the definition of that object allows the system — automatically and efficiently — to retrieve the plans for all its sub-components .
24 This is the heart of the notion of the inner city ; at the very moment that policy draws the boundaries of the inner city a place takes on the qualities of coherence that it does not possess , embodies all the contradictions that are part of the original concept .
25 This overview sets out the origins of case management , its transformation into care management , and the principles guiding its practice .
26 The General Secretariat carries out the decisions of the Council and provides financial and administrative services for the personnel of the League .
27 He likes the days when nothing seems to happen , and rain runs down the windows , and through somebody else 's windows on the other side of the airwell you can see girls with piles of lacquered hair laughing and making sudden small self-conscious movements , as they flirt with young men in Italian-cut suits , silent behind the layers of glass .
28 New chairman takes up the reins
29 Lucker holds up the keys .
30 Where a stream flows off the higher rocks ( the Millstone Grit ) on to the limestone , a large flow of water passes down the joints at that one place .
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