Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [adv] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The ARFU 's decision has still yet to sink in with many rugby traditionalists but Channel Ten displayed instant commitment to their new deal when they televised the tickertape parade live throughout Australia .
2 It may be that TNC proposals will raise standards by increased accountability ; but I remain convinced that the creation of a true teacher-parent partnership has even more to contribute .
3 Western science — like our medicine — is notoriously dismissive of anything that smacks of the spiritual life that our civilisation seems so carelessly to have thrown away.Yet if we are to survive for another thousand years , we desperately need to rediscover this aspect of being human ; not only as a reaction to the yuppie ‘ me first ’ generation of the Eighties but as the only means of re-establishing the synergy between man and planet.This requires a radical shift in our attitudes .
4 The law appears so far to have almost entirely failed to rise to the challenge of the vertical separation literature .
5 Mr Major must hope that his new chancellor does well enough to rescue the economy but gets so battered in the process that he is judged unfit to be prime minister .
6 One of the words that the Bible uses most often to describe a Christian 's relationships is this word ‘ respect ’ .
7 The Countess of Huntingdon 's Methodist Connexion , founded in the mid-18th century , was yet another Calvinistic organisation , we may note with interest ; what with Robert Titford being baptised at one of their chapels , and his sister Elizabeth having been registered with the Zion congregation in Frome , Calvinism seems once again to have cast its shadow across the family , even into the 19th century .
8 The author manages very successfully to convey all his sadness and bitterness and at the same time great strength of his departure from this world without being verbose or over the top .
9 Sound behaves quite differently to light .
10 Much of the singing has also still to settle .
11 The area of the theory to which this criticism seems most obviously to apply , and the context in which it has been most discussed , is Poulantzas ' account of the defining characteristics of classes .
12 As Travers ( 1986 , p. 168 ) notes , the government had to set rate limits high enough to prevent legal challenges that income was insufficient to meet statutory obligations .
13 Against the gloomy background provided by the Report of the Royal Commission the decision to build the Foxton Lift begins once again to seem quite irrational .
14 It was now clear that this was because an atom in its ground state has nowhere else to go , unless it can be given the rather large amount of energy necessary to lift it to an excited state with n greater than I.
15 It is this environment of faith in the home that western society needs so desperately to recover .
16 One recoils from the obvious answer , which is that the Home Secretary wants yet again to produce a cheap headline in the popular press such as ’ Crackdown on crime ’ , by producing , as the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook said , a modest and short Bill .
17 A blocked rainwater gutter leads very quickly to damp penetrating the walls .
18 In so far as our religion is our vision of the world , if that vision comes no longer to seem ethical , then it will be discarded .
19 Seen against that double undermining , reason seems no longer to offer its traditional security .
20 Barco moves too late to break the drug barons
21 When a lion gets close enough to strike , it usually does so with great skill and confidence and does not appear to be miscalculating its position to the slightest degree .
22 History has brought them together as a phenomenon without compare , and it is Pakistan 's good fortune that they are surviving fitness scares long enough to bring many honours to their country .
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